


5 years, 5 months ago



"My good boy"

  •  Name   Joy 
  •  Age   23 Year Old Bean
  •  Height   Smol Bean 
  •  Occupation   Being Happy/ Human AU Bodyguard 
  •  Sexuality   Gay 
  •  Personality 
    Joy is sweet chirpy, happy paca, he's very caring and optimistic, at times he can get overexcited and drive everyone around him nuts, he's full of energy and always ready to adventure, he loves the water which is rather strange, diving down and trying to grab a mouthful of stones is his not-so-secret hobby, he loves have many friends and people to be around, he's also the kind of paca to always lend a hand and help those around him, he's extremely loyal, and easily trusting.
  •  Appearance 
    Joy has golden/blonde locks, big fluffy folded ears and double tufted nubs, he has cute little bottom fangs, and a total of ten toe nubs, as well as two short furry tails often happily wagging behind him.
  •  Likes  Water, Animals, Friends, Games, Toys, Adventures 
  •  Dislikes Pain, Hot weather, Humid weather, Sadness 
  •  Backstory 
    Joy, a fluffy Pacapillar resembling a Golden-dachshund, came into the Pacapillar world a happy joyous bean, he hasn't been there too long, but he's been accompanied by his friend Tau since the very beggining.

    He's determined to spread cheer and happiness through-out the hearts of pacapillars, even when his companions that have some evil intent do something and involve him in a scheme, it seems that everything turns out positive in the end, it's as if he's cursed with happiness. I doubt anything could really bring Joy down.
  •  Tau   Best Paca Bean Friend 
    Tau is often irritated by the actions of Joy, but they've been together since the beginning, Joy is completely loyal to Tau, and always will be, whether Tau accepts it or not, he also knows he wouldn't be able to live without Joy.
  •  N/A   Relationship 
  •  N/A   Relationship 
  •  What makes Joy happiest? 
    Seeing his friends happy c: (And eating toe beans and shoes)
  •  How many toe beans can Joy eat? 
    All of the toe beans.
  •  How much love does Joy have for Tau?
    It's over 9000.
  •  What makes Joy saddest? 
    Seeing his loved ones and those around him in pain.
  •  Trivia 
    • ● Joy is allergic to chocolate, but has eaten a spoonful of Nutella once as to not make Tau feel bad.
    • ● Joy could eat thousands of muffins (as long as they're not chocolate.)
    • ● Joy's favourite way to sleep is surrounded by fluffy baby chickens and or bunnies.
    • ● Joy sleeps a lot, but when he's awake, has a tremendous amount of energy.
    • ● Joy has been seen running around the Paca world in an insane mater for no reason whatsoever.
    • ● Joy is also happiest when diving into waters attempting to scoop up stones.

      This Rare rank Pacapillar MYO slot was originally bought for $35 USD by Cheshxre from the FTO Pacapillar MYO opening on 12/05/2018!
      It has been resold to Xhibli by Cheshxre on 12/29/2018 for $35 USD!
      Pacapillars are a closed species by Toripng! 

profile html by Hukiolukio