[V] - Dinfec Tecrec



5 years, 6 months ago


'oh... i suppose it...s time for the show... isn...t it...' 'can i help you...'

'Sometimes, fans are allowed to meet with The Highest of Outcasts, and they'll each tell you different things about the band and it's members but there's one thing they all agree on, they've never gotten a word out of the violet-blood amongst them. They never greet beyond a nod and remain quiet through the entire endeavour, allowing the rest of their band mates to interact and field questions and queries while they fiddle and tune their violin, keeping their hands busy and their attention occupied until it's time for them to leave once again.

Perhaps they just haven't ever been in the right mood, or interested enough in whoever's there to say anything?'

Name: Dinfec Tecrec

Nickname: A

Trollian Handle: detachedALTMETAL DA

Gender: Non-Binary - Gender is a confusing time, will neither confirm nor deny which they are.

Species: Troll - Violet Blood

Moon: Derse

Asepct: Void

Title: Knight of Void

Lusus: Angel Fish - Bizkit

Occupation: The Highest of Outcasts (Band) - Electric Violin - it makes them something close to content

Height: 5'6"

Body Type: Slim Willow

Personality Traits: Dinfec doesn't often open up towards others, or at all really, preferring to keep to themselves and not deal with the tiring thing that is interacting with others or dealing with social situations when they can avoid it. They're largely indifferent towards others, unless they have reason to have suspiscion, what they are suspiscious about is known only to them but they'll remain so for a long, long time afterwards. Largely though, they're outwardly down and somber, smiling not at all and having little to no emotion in their voice or actions.

Likes: Alternative Metal Music, Being left to their own devices, Swimming - prefers ocean to everything else, 

Dislikes: Being the centre of attention, Spotlights, Being forced into close quarters with strangers

Relationships:  Band Mates - Jayyrd Litsat, Gendal Ribdom |  Yamron Gintim - Band mate and pale crush

<> - Yamron Gintim

<3 - 

<3< - 

o8< -

Skills: Please don't look at them. Oh you're trying to? Well, good luck with that.