|Birdfolk| Kive



8 years, 2 months ago


Name: Kive. (Like five but with a 'K')

Species: BirdFolk/Akriri. (Closed Species by Kel-Del)

Age: 25.

Birth Season: Summer.

Gender: Male pronounces.

Personality: Quiet, Cautious, friendly, hard working, loyal.

Transformations: Adult form, wolf.

Job: In-training Samurai?

Location: Kel Del.

Friends/Aqquaintences: -

 This youngster is mature for his age and takes the littlest of things seriously at times - which some folks take advantage of for fun to tease and annoy him. He's always wanted to become stronger/agile to protect the ones he cares about the most due to something he experianced in the past. He tends to carry a sturdy wooden katana about with him and will go off to find a place were he can train in peace and hopefully own a real katana oneday. He makes a loyal friend once you have earned his trust but finds it awkward talking about his problems/feelings, though he loves to learn and gain new knowledge.