Star Spider [Spidersona]



5 years, 5 months ago


Who's that new vigilante in town?! Eyewitnesses report that she seems... even LESS human than her fellow spiderpeople. Something to look into, maybe!

Pippa P'rk'r's universe is one where New York is on theĀ alien planet of Uranus! Well, it's not alien to HER, of course... you know what I mean. She's not human, and she's not from earth. Her spectrum of abilities includes the standard spider-person skillset, but she can also use webs to make portals! Though, her control on this ability isn't the Greatest; sometimes she'll just want to web up an evildoer and end up warping them to who-knows-where! Whoopsies!

Pippa's status as an extraterrestrial makes her something of a commodity in other dimensions. If she's not careful, she could wind up being tested on for the rest of her life! Not that she'd, um, mind...

(Also, she's canon in the MCU! But, like, only in Spider-Man movies, because I'm a snob.)