


5 years, 5 months ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Fiamma
Nicknames/Aliases: Fia, Fifi
Title(s): Princess
Age: 19
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Homosexual
Species: Hybrid (grimm / white witch moth)
Birthday: November 19th
Occupation: None
Powers: Fire manipulation/conjuring, teleportation, shapeshifting
Living Family: Persiri (father), Minnie (mother), Kanta (stepmother), Natsari (older brother), Seraph (younger brother), Nether (younger half-sister), Gemma (younger half-sister), Grimm (grandfather), several other relatives
Hometown: The City of Tears
Current Residence: The City of Tears

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'
Skin Shell: Black
Hair Fur: Black and dark pink
Eyes: Red
Body Type: Quite curvy, with long limbs.
Distinguishing Marks: White markings on the tips of her wings.
Left or Right-Handed: Right
Quirks/Habits: “Locking” her fingers together.
Voice/Voiceclaim: Deep and smoky, but still feminine.

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: None
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: Due to being fathered by a moth, she's much fluffier than most grimms.
Blood Type: ???
Mental Illnesses: None
Other Notes: None

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: Common
Positive Traits: Passionate, charismatic, intelligent, charming, confident
Neutral Traits: Competitive, intense, intimidating, pragmatic, eccentric
Negative Traits: Manipulative, sadistic, vain, over-ambitious, easily bored
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Realist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Fears: Things out of her control, pregnancy/birth, the ocean
Secrets: None


General Likes: Mind games, fashion, gossip/scandals, mysteries/secrets, dark humor, speech/debate, singing, songwriting, baking, chess, museums/fossils, reading
General Dislikes: Not getting her way, cowards, bland foods, boredom/boring people, being interrupted, deep water, pushy men, filthy fur, humidity
Animal: -tba-
Color: Yellow
Food: Chili (the spicier the better)
Music Genre: Orchestral
Season: Summer


Best Friend(s): None/tba
Other Friends: Lavinia, Erasmus, more tba
Acquaintances: Phaecelia, Coleus, Cambria, Arlo, Primrose, Sahar, hemera, Rajani, more tba
Significant Other(s): None
Rivals: None
Enemies: None
Pets: None


Meaning of Name: Fiamma is the Italian word for “flame”
Religion: None
Astrological Zodiac: Scorpio sun, Gemini moon
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Celtic Zodiac: Reed and Wolf
Element: Fire
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Alignment: Lawful Evil

  • Despite being younger by several years, Fiamma is very protective of Natsari, sometimes to the point of treating him like the younger sibling. She's never condescending about it, however, genuinely adoring her brother.
  • Fiamma has a deep, powerful singing voice. It also has a bit of a rasp and edge to it, and in a modern setting, she might be suited for hard rock and metal styles.
  • When playing chess, Fiamma favors using the black pieces.
  • Fiamma often uses terms of endearment for people she's threatening, like love, darling, dear, etc. If she starts calling you such names when you know you’re on her bad side, be afraid.
  • Fiamma's siblings are the only ones who can get away with calling her “Fifi”.
  • Fiamma has a low tolerance/resistance to water pressure, and can't dive very deep when she swims because of it.
  • Although she sometimes comes off as seductive and flirtatious, Fiamma has never been in a relationship before, and has never even had her first kiss.