


5 years, 8 months ago


Basic Info

Full NameSioc (Sigh-Ock)AgeUnknown
NicknameDeathLocationSpirit Realm
GenderUnknownTheme SongDon't Fear The Reaper by The Spiritual Machines
SexualityAsexualFor Sale?No

Depending on universe, Sioc usually is a Grim Reaper, an entity that meets the spirits of the deceased and escorts them to their next life. Sioc is always a Misfortuner, a being that distorts reality to cause minor inconveniences to happen to others, but is only a Misfortunater in a few dimensions.  Communicating only telepathically through aura, the voice people hear in their head is different for everyone. Intent plays an effect on the voice heard, such as what the hearer finds calming when being friendly or fear inducing when being intimidating. Sioc's gender is not known, no preferred pronouns, is asexual, and does not seem to have an attraction to anyone.








Sioc seems to have chosen to remain a mystery, giving others very little to go by. What is known is that Sioc communicates through the use of aura, with the voice heard sounding different to each individual. Some say Sioc has a very gruff intimidating voice, others a very friendly alluring feminine sound, and many have claimed to hear an accent but never agree to the type of accent. Personality wise, logic seems to prevail over emotions when determining how to approach a situation. Sioc has strong morals and tends to lean towards a good affinity, but would never claim to be good nor a hero. Physically, Sioc is a lucario of varying shades of grey with long black hair and black angelic wings, but cannot fly. Clothing consists of a black cloak and bandages wrapped around the feet and lower legs. Always armed with a tall scythe consisting of a large blade on one end and a small blade on the other, both blades facing the same direction.


  • Dark Places
  • Silence
  • Karma
  • Meditating


  • Evil
  • Crowds
  • Psychics
  • Fire









Causes unfortunate incidents, or "bad luck", to happen to others at will.


Able to read the aura of others, communicate through aura, and form aura weapons

Reaper's Force

A modified "Force Palm" that ejects a soul from the body. Can cause temporary paralysis to the body while the soul tries to rejoin.

Time Piece

The pocket watch allows the slowing of time, but is limited in length and speed reduction.


The entirety of Sioc's history seems to be relatively unknown to anyone. Not much of a conversationalist, Sioc has never really talked about the past outside of experiences, training, or wisdom gained as a Misfortuner. Not even Sioc's true gender is known. Whether referenced as he, she, it, shi, or they, Sioc has always acknowledged and never corrected anyone about it. By speaking through aura, everyone hears a different voice leaving them unable to agree upon a gender. As a result, most tend to refer to Sioc as they or by name to avoid confusion. Like most lucario, Sioc is skilled in aura tactics such as reading and manipulation. They are also experienced in hand to hand combat and weaponry. The scythe that Sioc wields is imbued with aura, able to see from its perspective and summon it at will.


A Misfortuner is like a job class. They are in line with Grim Reapers, and can eventually be promoted to such if they have proven their worth. The role is to balance good luck and miracles in the world by causing bad luck and misfortune. These are generally minor inconveniences such as dropping something, small injury, an embarrassing act, etc. Everything can be decided by the Misfortuner, including the target, what happens, how it happens, and when it happens. Reality will distort slightly to accommodate the chain of events, within reason. For example, if the misfortune is to lose a dollar, reality would distort to cause the target's pocket to flip inside out if they reach in or a gust of wind to pick up while handling the money. If the target does not carry cash, reality can't cause them to suddenly have it and the misfortune is void. Regardless of rank, a Misfortuner cannot cause death nor permanent life changing event; only an inconvenience. Power is derived from misfortunes. Every inconvenience they cause gives revitalization and strength to the Misfortuner. They must cause misfortunes in order to sustain their own life. Failure to causes gradual degradation to their life. The process generally starts after 12 hours as a minor itch, then a headache at 24 hours that grows worse with each hour, and at 48 hours their entire body grows weak and tired. After roughly 72 hours without causing misfortunes, the subject perishes and their body disintegrates as the last of their energy fades. Misfortuners that are highly experienced tend to survive longer without symptoms, and often have very elaborate schemes planned out to offset non-practice. When exclusively a Misfortuner, Sioc is Rank 18 of 20 and rather experienced in using misfortunes in combat such as weapon malfunctions and "freak accidents".

Grim Reaper

As a Grim Reaper, Sioc escorts spirits to their designated afterlife. Spirits that flee must be retrieved and sent to their afterlife, even if unwilling. The afterlife varies immensely, such as eternal glory or damnation, reincarnation, ascension, or even complete spiritual eradication. It is forbidden for a Reaper to interfere with another's life time, but may end one prematurely in self-preservation. The punishment for a violation is dependent upon rank and the severity of the violation. All Reapers are provided a Time Piece, which is capable of stopping time and revealing a creature's remaining life time. The design of the time piece is based on the Reaper's preference. Sioc's Time Piece is of a classic pocket watch, often chained securely to the double bladed scythe. Grim Reapers can walk around amongst the living, able to cross between the Living World and the Spirit Realm.

Glowchu Grim Reaper

In the Glowchu universe, Sioc is relegated entirely to the Spirit Realm. Though able to watch and listen to what happens in the Living World, Sioc cannot interact with the living in any way. However, those capable of sensing or seeing spirits will do so with Sioc. One such example seems to be Ji, a psychic type glowchu who tends to cause many to meet their end. Ji seems to have a crush on Sioc and, despite Sioc stating otherwise, believes the feelings are mutual since Sioc appears each time Ji kills someone. As one is dying, they slowly become more attune to the presence of spirits. Once deceased, their own spirit crosses the plane and can interact with Sioc fully. Unfortunately, the dead can also hear and see what is happening in the world of the living. In some ways this brings a sense of closure, however it's not always the most pleasant. Though appearing to be cold and uncaring, Sioc is not void of emotion and often tries to shield a deceased spirit from witnessing their more harrowing demise. A spirit's ultimate fate varies greatly. It may be to spend eternity in what would equate to "heaven", "hell", "purgatory", or to be reincarnated as a new entity. In extreme circumstances, ones of immense malice are exterminated from existence to make sure they can never endanger any of the Realms. Sioc's job is to escort the deceased to their respective fate and prevent any souls trying to interfere with the living world. While the deceased generally cannot interact with the living world, it helps to have an entity specifically to insure it does not happen.



[ Erotomaniac ]

Glowchu with a crush on Sioc

Adult Content

(18+ Only)

Sioc has not shown any form of sexual attraction to anyone, regardless of gender or species. For this reason, it is believed Sioc is Asexual with no desire to be physically intimate. There are rumors that a few have managed to get inside that black cloak, but few believe them as they contradict eachother, claiming he is male or she is female. Some speculate the gender is like the voice, that the physical gender is dependent upon the person and situation, that those who desire male see male and those desiring female see female, and so forth.

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