Princess astra - Make an offer



5 years, 5 months ago
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$5 - $40


original artis is  =
they will not verify, so, thats who drew the gal

you will be getting both the art and the story.
price is based mainly off of the story included.

original backstory -

about the nova kingdom:

the nova kingdom is an ancient kingdom centered around stars and space. they are the most knowledgeable about the stars and what else is out there, more than any other kingdom. this is mostly because there line of princess's have power over the stars in equestria's galaxy system, it has always been there job to brighten the stars at night so that they can bee Sean much like how luna controls the moon and celestia the sun. but a very very long time ago an darkened unicorn mage put a curse on the kingdom, it poisoned the land and turned the pony's into terrible (and not all that terrible) creatures like dragon ponys, bat ponys, demon ponys and plant ponys. the mage then came for the princess's, he destroyed astria's mother so that he could rule the new kingdom himself and when he found tiny astria he trapped her in a crystal ball that was then lost by a clumsy dragon pony guard. terrified of the nova ponys, the other kingdoms avoided them all together and even attacked ponys who had escaped and come for help because of how they looked. the task of the stars was given to princess luna in the end and the kingdom was forgotten everyware but the oldest books and maps, the kingdom being renamed by the outer kingdoms "the kingdom of night". as the legend goes, if the lost princess is found then she will have the potential to restore the nova kingdom.

appearance description for the kingdom:

nova is settled right on the north sea, in cliffs and mountains that  are right on the water. the streets are carved out of the cliff side and lead down to the water were it resembles a fishing village and at the center of that being a large dock and a vast trading port. all along the cliff fallowing the streets buildings are carved right out of the rock, even the railings on the opposite side of the street are carved from the rocks of the cliff side. on the very top of the cliff were it flattens out is the bulk of the city, set back in the farthest area is the palace of stars, the palace is made of marble bricks and laced with gold and silver, its decorated buy many windows and sky lighst so you can see the skys from almost every room, and the walls have carveings of stars and space imbetted in them. the side faceing the city has a large balcony higher up and a large main entrance at the bottom. alot of the buildings are made from the rock and materials from the area and all are decorated with stars and silver. overall the architecture greatly resembles earth's ancient Greece. floating in the sky as well is small clusters of fluffy white couds, this is were the city's pegasi like to make there homes and the buildings up there are more made of clouds than marble.

after curse:
after the curse the skys were made cloudy always no matter how hard flyers tried to clear it and the sky, stars and moon were blocked out always making night time pitch blackness. the natural plants started to dye off slowly and the winds off the sea somehow stopped all together

natural materials found in that area:
gold, silver, marble, stone, fresh water via the nearby mountain streams and rivers that run threw the city and fall into the sea as waterfalls off the cliff side.
magic crystal and gemstones form underground in caverns made by the waterfalls over a very long time. there's almost no trees at all and the ones that are there are all mountain pine and a few weeping willow's along the river planted by the ponys who live there.  reeds, sea life, kelp, coral, many other herbs and flowers and grasses found only there. berry bushes and fruits are abundant such as blueberry, beautyberry, pears, peach's, grapes and strawberry's. plants that don't like the natural area are grown in vast green houses in the city's farming district.

about the ponys:
the ponys of the kingdom tend to keep there mains ether braided or fluffy/curly, there tails were often very short. alot of ponys had marbled spotted coat patterns that were close to there main coat color. as for clothes they wear a lot of metals like silver and gold, some resembling thin decritive armors. most of there favorite things about the city are the winds off the sea and the sky and stars that were almost always out. there two festivals they hold are one much like the summer sun celebration of its the riseing of stars and also the color festival. artists from all over equestria used to come for this festival to paint, sell there work or see everyone elses, it was a popular event to color the rock with special colored chalk made for the ocation. some of the favorite food of these ponys are made with kelp fished from the sea and berrys grown in the city. as for pets, they dont usually keep normal things, more often its magic creatures found in the area like sunpuff jack rabbits and local spikey and feathery lizards, some of witch can get as big as a large dog.