Wren Wilder





Name: Wren Sutton Wilder
Familiar: Ajax (blue jay)
Age: 31 (23 November 1987)
Gender: Intersex
Hair Color: Midnight Blue/Black
Eye Color: Silver
Role: Sorcerer / Father Figure
Alignment: Neutral Good
Sexuality: Asexual
Spotify: Playlist

Wren Wilder is a dedicated ornithologist and skilled sorcerer. They exist on Earth-120074, one of many alternate universes within the Marvel universe. They live in a decent sized apartment in Seattle. Ajax, their trusted familiar, is a blue jay affected by a magical radiation leak that caused her to double in size (her wingspan is just shy of one meter). Wren has been studying the mystic arts for nearly ten years, and Ajax has been by their side for the better part of it. When they aren’t saving the West Coast from unseen trans-dimensional evils, Wren manages a local aviary and bird sanctuary where they study and care for birds of all kinds. They are the oldest of their team of four heroes and often hosts team dinners and “Rom-Com Nights” in their apartment.



  • Birds
  • Rom-coms
  • String lights
  • Eris and Ajax
  • Cooking and hosting team dinners


  • Coffee
  • Dancing
  • Nightmares (occupational hazard)
  • Gross wizard food they have to eat
  • Blatant disrespect of the mystic arts


Temper Management

Wren is rather soft-hearted. As soft as a sorcerer who has seen some crazy, otherworldly stuff can be at least. They care immensely for those important to them, specifically their family, Ajax, and hero team (Minerva, Eris, and occasionally River). They're fiercely loyal, going as far as risking their life on multiple occasions to help or save them. They are not afraid to sacrifice themselves should it ever come down to it. Their pure dedication to the team and their studies makes them a valuable asset.

Wren is humble, sometimes to a fault. They hold themselves to high standards and are always looking for a way to better themselves as a person, a magician, and a scientist. Because of this they are constantly fatigued. It's rare they actually get to rest between wizarding and managing the aviary, so when they're is interrupted, they are unforgiving and grouchy until they get their sleep. It's not a pretty sight. It's hard to say what's more frightening: pure rage or tired, stone-cold loathing.

They rarely lose their temper. They are incredibly calm and level-headed most of the time. However, little things can really get on their nerves, such as their teammates Eris and River intentionally pushing their buttons. When their patience inevitably runs out they are a serious and terrifying force to be reckoned with. They tend to have a sharp tongue. They know exactly how to cut you down and put you in your place should you cross a line.




Can communicate with those they have a strong bond with such as teammates and family. Can also communicate telepathically communicate with intelligent animals.

Offensive Magic

Their most used spells include: Winds of Wystemere, Embers of Entirety, Venomous Touch, and Lunar Guardian’s Blessing (among others). Can also conjure mandalas that can be thrown like a disc as well as a longsword with a white-hot blade.

Defensive Magic

Conjures defensive mandalas that act as shields or large protective domes. Wren has cast a lower level defensive spell on their phone, that delivers a powerful shock to the hand of anyone attempting to steal or use the device without Wren’s approval. The shock is enough to render the offending hand useless for up to an hour.


In order for the universe to stay balanced, they must endure the price of the spell. Smaller spells have little to no reprocussions. Spells that require a lot of energy and magic can inflict anything from nausea to a coma upon the user depending on how many spells were cast or the intensity of the spell. In addition, Wren's body rejects most, if not all, regular human food. They have a very specific (and frankly, disgusting) diet consisiting of sorcerer safe foods from across the universe.


Wren Sutton Wilder was born on a cold November night in Charlotte, North Carolina to Rebecca (American) and Lavin (Indian immigrant) Wilder. As a child, they became fascinated with birds of all kinds and often went on bird-watching excursions with their mother, a renowned wildlife biologist. They developed a very close bond with Rebecca through this. Wren decided to pursue a Master's degree in ornithology (after completing their Bachelor's in wildlife biology) and was hoping to go on to preserve rare species of birds.

Well into the first year of their Master's program, Wren stumbled upon an ancient looking grimoire filled with bizarre runes and passages in their university's library. Curiosity piqued, they decided to check it out. A hooded figure approached them as they were headed back to their dorms and explained that the book was one of many ancient tomes of the mystic arts, and this particular book seeks out those with intense magical potential. They followed the person through a portal to Kamar-Taj, where they began to study the mystic arts. They dropped their Master's program entirely in favor of honing their magical abilities.

Character Q&A

Q: How do you balance your sorcerer duties and everything else?

WREN: Not very effectively. I try, but I'm very, very tired all the time. I haven't had a full, peaceful night's sleep since I started studying the mystic arts. Ornithology is also a super research-intensive career and often times - if I'm not protecting reality from interdimensional threats - I'm up late reading or writing research studies. Strong black tea has become one of my closest friends on those long nights, though I have to enchant it so I can actually keep it down.

Q: How did you meet Ajax?

WREN: I stumbled upon Ajax early on during my studies of the mystic arts. There was a magical incident in which any living thing within a 5-mile radius was blown up. Not exploded but, they got bigger. I mean, some things exploded...I'd say a fair portion of living things did actually explode. Mostly trees, thankfully we weren't anywhere close to a village. Ajax was affected by the spell but she was able to continue functioning as normal. I met her while we were scouting the area, attempting to clean up and reverse the effects of the spell. Of course, I was instantly interested in her. I took her back with me to Kamar-Taj and she became what I consider my familiar.

Q: What do you do to relax after a long day?

WREN: Ajax and I enjoy watching really really bad comedies and criticizing them. She's learned a lot about human culture since we met about 9 years ago, and we're able to have a very intelligent conversation about practically anything these days. She's very straight-forward with her opinions, so listening to her comments about these blatantly horrible films is the funniest thing in the world. It's a wonderful distraction from all the crazy shit we encounter on a daily basis.

Q: What is your favorite smell?

WREN: That's not one I get every day. Hmm...I really like the smell of old books. Or new books. Books in general just have a really good smell. Someday I want to have a whole room dedicated to books about birds and ancient tomes if I can get a big enough house for it...





Eris Rey

[ unoffical adopted daughter ]

"I’ve never wanted kids, but Eris might be an exception. I definitely have a soft spot for her. She gets on my nerves way too often but I would not hesitate to die for her."


Minerva Bennett

[ close friend and teammate ]

”She is a very remarkable woman who’s done a lot of good in the world. I respect her greatly and trust her to always lead us in the right direction.”


River Williams

[ teammate ]

"At first, this man was nothing more than a walking headache. But I feel an odd presence around him. There's certainly more to him than meets the eye...how curious."

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