Iris's Comments

If you decide to let her go please let me know <3

I can, good chance I won't though! but I will keep you in mind!

Thank you I appreciate it ❤️



If you ever put this character up for trade or sale, I'd be super interested.. They're gorgeous!! 

I will keep that in mind, though I know they will never leave me! but thank you for finding them so pretty, thy are one of my favorite cs beebs

Extremely valid, if I ever do sell him, I will go to you first!

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I could!, but being this is a species I have wanted for a very, very long time, Iris won't be leaving me for a long time!

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Same though, I want to get a teacup flying fox, one of their open species, and Aimi did amazing with this one as it was a custom, I fell in love with him since first seeing his wip. Oh my gosh, your Lyrian is so damned cute!!!!!!

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That is super awesome, part of the reason i don't think I would ever give up Iris is my friend bought the custom slot for me, and he is one of my fursonas

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