


8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Alisae Ardontis






Seer and Spiritual guide


Alisae is a blind seer, people come from far and wide to look upon her beauty but also try and get a glimpse into what their futures might hold.

Even though she can look into people's minds, her everyday life can be a challenge. Plagued by dark visions when she loses control or high peaks of emotion.


Originally at a young age her eyes were sewn shut, this was to keep her dark visions to herself. As she grew older her eyes clouded over and eventually was consumed by the visions. Having been cast out and forced to live on her own, Alisae could sense the concern of those around her as she did everything in her power to survive. Visions of disgust eminated from those around her and made the seer incredibly insecure. Later realising that the stitches on her eyes twisted her appearance she removed them and healed all signs they were there. Even though she can now open her eyes, out of fear of losing control of her powers she keeps them closed most of the time. Only those she trusts and can relax around she'll ever open her cloudy silver eyes for.

Alisae makes a living reading fortunes and seeing what truly lies within people's hearts. She is able to use her special tarot cards from the way they feel but she also has the ability to see small lights in the world around her as people's souls. Originally she lived alone in a small forest hut, making occaisional trips into town for more supplies and food. Working and reading fortunes only when she needed coin to get by. All of this changed when she met the power hungry Fiore... He took her captive in hopes of exploiting her abilities to further his gain and dragged her away to his lavish castle hidden away in the dark woods. Taken in by her beauty, he claimed her as his and treated her as a prize. A prize who could potentially assist and guide him to glory.

As time went by and both their walls came down, the pair learned to trust one another. She had come to depend on his strength for protection but also comfort in his presence. Fiore had become something more to her than she could have ever imagined. Despite his roughness, he became her protector and in the end someone she loved and cared for. Currently, she resides in his castle under his watch.