Demetri Blossom



5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Demetri Blossom
Age: In his 20's
Gender: Male
Occupation: Inventor 

Demetri is a pretty sweet and caring guy to people he cherishes. But he can be very nervous in social situations which causes him to stutter or mess up words. People think he is being funny by doing this but he is just nervous and people don't notice. If there is a chance for him to encourage someone about a dream to follow he will leap right in there. Despite him not being good with social situations chasing your dreams is something he is passionate about and will always encourage people to do the same.

Demetri was born into poverty. His parents weren't very rich at all and throughout all of his life they all just barley scrapped by. But as he was growing he found an interest in the worlds machines around him. It made him want to create and that is what he did. He began to mess around with things and try to make things. He had many failed attempts of course. After all he was quite young when he began to try and invent things. As Demetri got into his teen years he began to take up odd jobs here and there to help his family out. By this time he had gained two younger siblings. So more money was needed to live. But he didn't mind. He was able to get free unusable parts from his odd jobs. He collected things and began working away to create something big for the up and coming inventors convention. He worked endlessly on his creation and finally after so many failed attempts he got it to work. 

He took his creation to the convention and got himself a spot there. There was so many impressive machines but there was none like his. He reveled a small box that had a button attached to it. Most people laughed as they passed it but they didn't know what it was capable of. Once the judges came around Demetri smiled nervously and showed them what his invention could do. He pressed the button and the box opened up. Inside was a small robot that stood up and climbed out of the box. It could walk around, do tricks and tasks. It could also speak back which was a first for anyone. He won the convention and won a ton of money along with an award. He used this money to help his family get a better house and feed themselves. One day a man came along and asked for Demetri. The man turned out the be a very rich inventor who wanted to take Demetri on as an apprentice. He jumped at the chance and was instantly taken away to learn new things. In his first year of studying with this man he tried to create a machine which would let him fly. Unfortunately as he was testing it out one day the propeller off one bit came off and hit his eye. He was luck enough it only left a scar but it was a painful reminder to him to be careful.