Princess Caissa



5 years, 9 months ago


DISCLAIMER: This pony is neither a "joke" character or a "sue". Please leave such comments as this to Deviantart's "finest". 

  • Species: Longyizhuwanshie (Pegasus Changeling Forest Sprite Plush Dragon Pony)
  • Gender: Female
  • Parents: Queen Mary and Smiley
  • Nicknames: Cassy
  • Residence: Trotternick Castle, in the far off Kingdom of Damshire
  • Personality: Kind and caring, Caissa is very protective of her family and friends. She doesn't care what others think of her and she tries to convince others, such as her half sister Hypnotica, to do the same, as ponies who judge you simply for your looks aren't worth your time. She is rather smart and good with strategy, which is why her passion in life is chess. She aspires to become the worlds greatest chess player, which is why she gets pretty mad when she loses, but after she cools down she assesses the reasons why she lost and uses that for the next game she plays with any worthy opponent.
  • Main Interests: Chess, teaching others about chess and how to play it.
  • Theme Song: "Lets Learn Chess"
  • Deviantart Post:

    Princess Caissa has a rather peculiar appearance, which is understandable seeing as her mother is Queen Mary Awesomesauce and her father is a brightly colored Goo Neck pony. She herself didn't receive any Goo Neck traits, her head and neck are whole and there is no Goo to be seen, it seems that a few of her colors and markings came from her father while the rest are traits she gained from her mother, things like Changeling and Longma features, and she even gained Forest Sprite antennae. One trait that may have come from her father is her bad eyesight, though that was easily corrected with a pair of glasses.  Despite being a Princess she has no real magical abilities, she was named Princess by blood only. Being part Changeling she has no cutie mark, and since she doesn't have any magical abilities she can't change into any type of disguised form. She has never once resented who she was, she enjoys being a Princess and all of the royal duties it comes with, however sometimes she wishes she was able to use magic like most of her siblings.

Being royalty, she was taught many of the royal customs, one of them being chess. She took to the game right away, and was very proud of herself when she was finally able to beat her tutor at the game. Though she was unable to gain a Cutie Mark, she knew in her heart that this was her special talent and has pursued it ever since. She has read and practiced the game for years and is considered to be Class A in ranking, and though that is a very good place to be in rank she wishes to become more, she strives to one day become a Grandmaster rank. She gets very frustrated when she loses a game, to the point she almost throws a hissy fit, but not to her opponent, to herself. She gets so upset that she made a mistake in the game, but once she calms down she will assess why it was she lost and learn from it, so that the next time she encounters her opponent she won't be fooled by their strategy. Despite loving to win she also loves to teach others about the game, if somepony has a fire in their heart to learn it she will teach them everything she knows and she hopes that her students will one day be in league with her. She especially loves to teach foals, "Start them young!" she always says.

As you could probably tell by her interesting appearance, she's had encounters with bullies who've tried to pick on her, but she just shrugs it all off. To her, they aren't even worth the time of day, those who wish to make fun of others are lower than the dirt under her hooves. Sadly, no all ponies think this way and that saddens her greatly, especially when it's her half sister, Hypnotica who is upset. She is very protective of her despite being a few years younger than her, and tries to cheer her up whenever she can. She wishes there was something she could do to convince Hypnotica that the bullies that plague her are worthless, that their words should be forgotten. Thankfully recently Hypnotica has been a little more cheerier ever since she got her Coltfriend, Caissa has met with him and agrees that he is perfect for her big sister. Hypnotica and Caissa sometimes play chess together, but Caissa doesn't try to force it on her sister since she knows she doesn't really want to pursue it other than just casual play.

  • Quote(s): "Rook to King 4."
    "Start them young! They'll be masters of chess in no time~"
    "Darn it darn it darn it! How could I have lost? I planned TEN moves ahead."
    "Don't let those ignorant bullies get to you. You look the way you do because you were born that way and so was I. It would be silly to let them bother you over something you can't control and even if you could, why should you? You are perfect just the way you are."