


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Miniel the Nip

Species: Winter Elf 

Subspecies: Ice Elf 

Type: Mini 

Height: 2 in.

Created by Jack Frost

Companion to Lumi

Have you ever heard the old addage, 'Jack Frost nipping at your nose'? If you have then you have met Miniel, or perhaps others like him. You see, Miniel was born from Jack's breath. A kiss to Lumi's nose and Miniel was born. He is a happy spirit, but practical; not something you would expect considering how he was born.

Miniel tends to almost always live on top of Lumi. He rides his shoulder or even the top of his head. The only time he is not found in one of those places, he is astride Isabelle's head. As he is born of Jack's magic and tied to Lumi, he never leaves either one, the magic fading when he is separated from them.

Though he is a happy creature by nature, Miniel tends to be the more levelheaded of his group. Though he is only two inches tall, Miniel is often the one stepping in to scold Lumi or comfort him, almost like a mother to him. In moments when Lumi has no one to turn too, Miniel is there to guide him; the voice of Frost guiding his child.