


5 years, 8 months ago


Name: Rontu 

Species: Naga 

Age: 16-17 

Information: Can change between forms, doesn't have control yet. Unable to make out definite colors, slightly color blind. Change brought on by puberty. 

Personality: Skittish. Scared of humans. Used to being called a monster or freak. Being bullied often, occasional kidnapping attempts, tends to make him shy away from contact, a general fear of human beings instilled in him. Loves to climb trees.

Naga Appearance: Slender. Pale blue skin. Scales on tail shimmer an emerald green in sunlight and are purple any other time. Long, claw like sapphire blue nails that appear translucent in sunlight; tips tinged red. Hazy blue eyes. Iridescent snake fangs. Instead of hair, has ridges on head, deep blue in color running from hairline to nape of neck.

Human appearance: Slender. Very pale. A bit lanky and flexible, little to no body fat. Hair is short black. Blue eyes. Looks perfectly human.

History: Rontu was born and raised on the outskirts of a small city in Japan. His parents often left him home alone to work full time jobs, though they made sure to give him as much attention as they could. He was well cared for and he knew how to survive on his own for the most part. He'd even gone to the city time and again, right up until he was around 11. Puberty started and he'd shifted for the first time. His father had taken him home immediately. He'd tried to go out once or twice, but after being beaten, bullied and on occassion, kidnapped, he'd learned to stay away from humans. Sticking to trees and shadows, he will venture out once in a while to see the world once again, desperate for a friend he's too scared to make.