


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Haku
Species: Water Dragon
Age: 12-14
Information: Orphaned at young age.
Personality: Loves wide open spaces. Born of freedom, water and air. Protective and wary. Knows things are not always what they seem.
Shifting: Can only do so in water, has not learned how to hold dragon form out of water.
Defense: Creates a body armor of ice while sleeping, wounded, or unconscious.
Markings: He has a crescent moon on his forehead with a dot on either side of it. There are aquatic spiral markings on his cheeks, upper arms, back of hands, front of hips, side of calfs, and top of feet. These are the markings of his clan.
Horns: Unable to hide them at all.
Weakness: Though he may appear human outside of the water, his reflections is always that of his dragon form. His wings become partially visible when he sees his own reflection as his concentration falls and his appearance starts to slip.

Wing Description:
1st set: The largest pair, a single joint along the spine with a talon piercing it. There are four panels of membrane on these specific wings.
2nd set: The spine on this pair is barely grown in. There are still four panels of membrane, but the wings barely extend past his waist.
3rd set: This pair is only just beginning to grown in. There is no membrane distinction as of yet, only the growth of the wing spine just above his hips. They are no more than 5 inches a piece.

Human Description: Haku has extremely pale skin, just barely more flushed than a soft white. His hair is a contrasting black that is short and shaggy about his face and solid white horns, small pointed ears are just visible through the locks. His eyes are large and a deep blue. The markings of his family are spaced over his body. When his wings are showing, he has 6 of them. The top 2 are the largest. They get steadily smaller the lower they go.

Dragon Description: Haku has the elongated body of an eastern dragon. His eyes narrow out to an almond shape and become a solid blue. His entire body is a deep green of underwater plants. There is a slight fur on his head and face, the color matching perfectly with the scales that cover the rest of his body. His horns are still pure white, a single ridge of fur running along his spine the only other color as a soft sea green. Two long, slender antenna rest at the point of his brow, taking on the place of his eyebrows.