Hanky (Hank)



5 years, 6 months ago


He was called hank in the Colosseum of fools and fighting there, now he is called hanky instread and lived in city of tears

Hanky use to be in the colosseum of fools and became one of the greatest fighters but one day stopped coming and started to live in city of tears.

He was not born from hollownest and only come there because his father born from the place and wanted to know what kind of place it is, he lived there for many years and one day decided to come back to where he was born and left Mussu with his mask as a sign

Third eye is where he is able to use soul magic but doesn't use spells


  • Ring Slash- uses his soul magic and make ring slash at any direction with his nail


  • City of Tears
  • Kingdom's Edge
  • Colosseum of Fools (in armor)
  • Mussu's Dream (When he leaves Hollownest)


  • Mussu
    -Raised, trained and treated it as his child, he take cares of Mussu after he was challenge by it and give it a name and a new weapon. He also give Mussu his Mask after leaving Hollownest