
5 years, 5 months ago


Appearance- - - 

A small fox of stone, with a gray coloration. Their head and tail have the ability to hover slightly above their body. They have stone wings as well, but cannot fly. They do not speak, they instead emanate a deep rattling sound similar to a cat’s purr. An orb of onyx floats above their head, rotating at different speeds and angles depending on activity level.

 Personality- - - 

The little creature typically shies away from all who approach, but will reveal themselves to those who have patience. They are most happy when others around them are happy.

Abilities- - - - 

Color Alteration 

When they have experienced a period of peace and calm, the fox changes color from warm to cool. A thin moss covering may be present as well, if their environment allows. - Calming Presence Being able to detect and alleviate stress or discomfort from living creatures is the second of the fox’s abilities. Whether they be animal or plant, if injured or experiencing negative emotion, their presence alone rids the being of pain.

Calming Presence

Being able to notice and alleviate stress or discomfort from living things is the second of the fox’s abilities. Whether animal or plant, if injured or experiencing negative emotion, their presence alone ride the being of pain (emotional or physical).