


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Kyro 

Species: Human 

Type: Pirate - captain 

Age: 22-26 

Height: 6'0"

Description: Kyro has dark brown hair that falls in disarray around his face. It is uneven and messy from years of hacking at it with daggers. He keeps the longer strands pinned back with a solid gold clasp at his shoulders, the rest left to fall where it may. He has a slender and fit build from years on the sea and in combat, his skin tanned from the sun. Narrow eyes reveal ocean blue eyes. He favors tight shirts, often sleeveless, and gloves that come up to mid bicep. His pants fit his waist, a waist wrap coving that and hanging down to his feet to hide his daggers. He wears a pair of heavy boots and a large scarf as protection from sea air on the more vulnerable parts of his body. He favors deep browns and reds and rarely leaves those colors though most have gold accents.

Information: Oddly moraled. 

Personality: Genial, even tempered, and strong willed. Has his own set of morals and always follows what he believes is right. Protective of his crew and unbendable in his law. Will not accept anyone breaking his moral standards. Views it as betrayal and will kill them for it. 

Preferred weapon: Sword 

Markings: Tattoo on upper left arm of a stylized dragon