


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Lucifer

Species: Satan - original fallen angel

Age: Unknown

Information: Banished from the heavens

Description: Lucifer stands at around 6'11". He is exceedingly tall with broad shoulders and slender waist. His skin is pale and flawless apart from the single brand on his forehead. His hair is a deep brown that nearly appears black. His falls straight around his slender face, stopping just above his hips. His eyes are slender to match his narrow nose and small mouth, the color a deep red that seems almost brown. His current sense of style is minimalistic with tshirts and jeans. He keeps his pants tight enough to tuck into his favorite pair of leather biker boots.

Personality: Temptation in and of itself. He is living sin and the temptation of all mankind. He holds a certain allure for all creatures. Even his miasma, though usually putrid from most demons, takes on a scent that everyone finds...loving. Though all his affairs are superficial as he is in love with GOD [shade].

Desire: Wants nothing more than to hear gods voice again, to have his love returned like it is for 'humans'.

Brand: An unusual cross on his forehead showing his betrayal to god.