Oscar Ash Thorton



5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Oscar Ash Thornton
Known as: The warlock of souls
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Very cocky and flirty. Very intelligent but always acts stupid most of the time to throw people off. Little bit childish when it comes to grudges or getting back at someone. Has a I don't care attitude to most people. Usually working away on something new so is always busy on something. 

Ever since Oscar was born he could communicate with spirits and see them on an extreme level. He mistook many spirits as people as he grew up. His magic made it able for him to see them. He never understood how powerful his magic was when he was younger. Oscar got the ability from his mother who could communicate with spirits to a certain degree. However it wasn't as strong as Oscar's ability. Oscar never knew his father due to him having to leave to help the kingdom he lived in and never returned. But his mother did tell him a few things about his father. As Oscar grew his magic began to become dangerous. It reacted with his emotions too much and caused spirits to flock to their home or follow him home after being out. It stressed his mother out because she didn't know what to do with magic. She wasn't a magic user after all. So after thinking long and hard she finally decided to get Oscar a teacher. But it wasn't very easy. She went through many teachers with Oscar. Due to the extreme nature of his magic and his ability to see spirits mixed in most of the teachers couldn't handle it. But one day a strange man appeared. 

He was dressed in strange clothes that weren't from around their area. He introduced himself as Mr White. He decided to help teach Oscar and he was fantastic. Some how in his strange ways Mr White was able to provide the teachings that Oscar needed. It was a long and hard time for Oscar. His childhood and his teen years were all to do with him being taught magic and various other things. Despite that Oscar did have fun when he had breaks from his studies and had a great childhood. When he got in his teen years that was when Mr White taught him his slick moves on how to flirt with the ladies or well anyone he chooses. That made Oscar a popular among many of the ladies and a few of the guys too. Of course this caused his mother to scold Mr White and tell him to not try and make her son so impure. When Oscar hit 19 Mr White had taught him everything he needed. So he left Oscar with a small orb to contact him and a never ending journal which Oscar could use to keep all his notes in. After Mr White left Oscar continued to study and even decided to travel. His mother encouraged him to travel and learn more about the world. So that was what he did. Once he packed up and took one of his father's old coats he was off. Six months of him traveling let him experience the world and different people. Of course charming people as he went on his travels. 

But he came to one town where an old castle stood just outside it. Apparently the castle has a horrible spirit in it and anyone that went inside ended up becoming harmed in some sort of way. The mayor had tried to solve the problem but didn't have any luck. It was causing everyone to fear the old castle and also caused a group of hunters who wanted to make it their base to get annoyed. This was when Oscar stepped in. He offered his services to the mayor and after they agreed on it he went straight to the castle. But what Oscar found in the castle wasn't a horrible spirit but the spirit of a knight. Oscar was a bit too late when he found out. The knight managed to take a swing at him with an old sword. It just missed Oscar and this was his time to run and talk. He used his magic to try and distract the knight but it didn't really work. After a few good attempts of talking he finally got through to the knight once he realized that Oscar could see him. Once the sword was lowered Oscar began to explain that what he was doing was scaring everyone. It turned out that the knight was still protecting his queen. Her spirit was trapped in a large glass mirror in her room. Oscar managed to get the knight to lead him to her room and try to help the queen. 

He quickly found out that the queen's spirit couldn't be removed with just any magic. He needed blood to release the seal. So Oscar took the mirror and told the knight to come with him to town. He hurried to town as the the queen told him how she got trapped in the mirror. He found out she had been trapped by a witch who took her body. Quickly Oscar began to seek her out and finally found her. A young and beautiful woman who looked like the queen. He confronted the witch and things turned sour fast. She began to try and break the mirror to keep the queen trapped in there forever. So Oscar though fast. He used his magic with the knight. He fused him into his jacket and quickly wrapped it around the mirror. With the knight's spirit it made the jacket a shield. Once he sorted that he managed to cut the witch's hand off to get the blood he needed. Once he had her hand he quickly unwrapped the mirror and dripped the blood on causing the spirit of the queen to be released. The witch had quickly disappeared after this happened and Oscar gained the spirit of the queen and knight on his side after that night. He began to travel once more with them at his side. After a few years of doing that he had made a lot of connections, money and offers to work for other kingdoms. But he kept being a free spirit and people would have to come to him. Though he was starting to get a lot of people coming to him and wanting his help so he decided to settle down somewhere.

Oscar managed to meet an old man who lived in a old castle which had been in his care for a long time. The old man let him stay there with him and they quickly became friends. Unfortunately the old man was very old and sick. As the years went on the old man's sickness got so bad he passed away. Oscar grieved for the old man despite his spirit still being in the castle. Which did made it a little easier for Oscar to get over his sadness for the old man passing. A few months after that he came across a very sick boy who he knew was going to die so he decided to give him another chance. He made a body out of wax and put the soul of the boy into it. The boy was named Mortimer and became his little helping assistant from then on. 

Facts about Oscar:
He tends to talk to his spirits a lot which makes a lot of people think he is crazy.
He thinks of Mortimer as part of his strange family.
Oscar has never dedicated himself the a relationship due to the many clashes his life style has with normal people.