Midnight Eva



5 years, 5 months ago


  • Midnight Eva

  • age 22
  • gender Female
  • race Starlight
  • role Popstar
  • theme

Humble β€’ Tactical β€’ lovable

" Standing still, not understanding a thing, "serves you right" they say, what a dirty world ! "


❀ Eva a popular singer and influencer, she has somesort of self esteem issues due to her sexuality, she tends to keep things to herself and not give people too much info on her, even towards her closes friends she tends to keep a wall between them, although most days people are supportive towards another person sexuality Eva stills feels insecure and scared due to mostly her unsupportive family.

height 5" 4

Rarity Common

pronouns She ❀ They

s.o. Lesbian

dob 31 β™‘ 12

sign Capricorn

origin Starlight Planet

occupation Singer

obtained Myo Event

value β™‘


  • Singing
  • Women
  • Flower
  • Dress


  • Family
  • Smashed Potato


Eversince Eva was a kid she was known to be the talented girl that could sing, she enjoyed watching singers on tv as she admires how beautiful their voices are. At first it started out as a hobby but she soon got pretty serious about it and wanting to improve her singing skills more, Β her parents were supportive about it and made her take extra singing classes since she was 8, Eva praticed seriously about it and managed to get tons of compliment on her singing, when she hitted 14 she decided to join a singing contest on tv to give a name for herself, due to how rich her parents are getting her to be a contestant was easy there, As soon as Eva got in she interacted with the other contestant, she learned more about people ingeneral there, she was friendly to the other contestant since the contest was held for around two weeks for overall runtime and preparation, she got to be friends with some of the contestant aswell one day one of them confessed their feelings to her, she simply told her she couldnt return their feelings since she felt like she was too young and is still pretty far from her dream, after that she told her parents how her day was going like usual and told them about the confession ( while still making the confessor anonymous of course ) her parent put on a panicked voice and told her to stay away from people like those, and how she should not be friend them and distanced herself from her since she might be "influenced" by them, Eva confused just told her parent sure as she was speechless and didnt understand what was wrong, after finishing the call with her parent she asked one of her bodyguard what was wrong with her getting confessed which one of them replied " homosexuality is a sin " still not understanding a thing she googled more about it, only to find comfort in the lesbian label.


After finding out she's a lesbian, Eva now realized how she'll never get her parent support as their view towards homosexuality is really bad, so she decided to just never date ingeneral since men doesnt interest her at all so she decided to atleast wait until she can grow up and live alone, that plan soon was shattered as she realized most people are against homosexuality, her friend group was against it, her family was, and even her bodyguards seems to be against it aswell. Due to this she never had the gut to tell anyone, and because of it she also feels guilty of receiving gift for men as she knows they have 0 chance on her, she decided to just continue with her idol work and becoming the best idol. One day when she was browsing trough the internet a singer have made a statement that they were gay on pridemonth which was shocking news to her as she felt like it was basically impossible to say that to the public, this singer soon became Eva Inspiration, she managed to get a hold of their work and became a fan, due to her also being in the idol industry at times she could meet her and get a personal acquaintance handshake.


Even tho she's an adult now she still is pretty much not open about her sexuality and still keeps it as a secret to her close circles, she prefers to tell people she just met to break their expectation of her from the start, she sometimes goes on secret date with people she met online, and pretty much enjoys going to a maid cafe on disguise, her popularity also rose up so of course she mostly went out on disguise, which is her human form, she mostly do idol work in her starlight form and go live a leisure life in her human form, with this her life is going okayish, and she pretty much just try her best to just focus on her idol work.



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