


5 years, 3 months ago


Branti blink.gif


  • AGE 34
  • PRONOUNS She / Her
  • RACE Daerveesh
  • OCCUPATION Smuggler


15688479_55AwmWqQuKHT2z8.png _Branti is a fugitive on the run. She is known to traffic dangerous substances and exotic goods. She is known to have a space-fairing vessel that she uses to distribute her illegal substances, and run from the authorities. She is known to be involved with other less savory figures, and is considered armed and dangerous. When spotted please report her whereabouts to the Yahbri authorities so she can be aprehended, and her supplies siezed.

_The last known locations for her were around Kedra Colony, and the Masca Oasis.


66667269_t1qLcUoQAGDmMF6.png _Branti is a mischievious Daerveesh. She often ends up with her nose in someone else's pockets. She says she can't help it, but she is very quick to make up excuses for herself. She is quite crafty and hard to catch if you plan on turning her in to the authorities.

_Branti is a very fun-loving girl, when she's not pickpocketing or trafficking illegal goods. She's very close to her sister and usually claims that her occupation is for the better of her living situation. She also loves her ship a lot, and treats it as if it's her baby. Even though the thing is the size of a large van.


Nam pellentesque non felis id venenatis. Ut ac sapien vulputate, maximus est ac, eleifend nisi. Vivamus tempus vulputate ultrices. Cras posuere tellus at libero porta rhoncus. Etiam non semper mauris. Nunc rhoncus, tellus non pretium hendrerit, libero dolor ornare diam, vitae sodales ligula lacus in sapien. Praesent id ante justo. Cras at tellus at velit laoreet vestibulum sed et justo. Maecenas lobortis bibendum est a consequat.

33697686_p7vld0nc8byLBpX.png Proin vehicula fringilla felis in porttitor. Morbi suscipit nulla ex, non tincidunt nunc iaculis non. Maecenas eget lorem nulla. Ut accumsan velit quis leo condimentum dignissim. Mauris ut odio ac purus vulputate imperdiet et eget purus. Sed non felis vehicula nunc egestas sollicitudin. Duis nunc arcu, hendrerit ac cursus non, venenatis vel ex. Donec sed nulla in dui iaculis lacinia. Duis rutrum libero eros, vel tincidunt mauris porta et. Morbi ut elit sed neque ultrices convallis quis at enim. Etiam a erat nec elit rhoncus placerat in quis risus. Nunc vitae pharetra massa. Sed et erat tempor, commodo augue a, egestas enim. Nunc vel enim vitae lectus pharetra sodales. Donec lectus nunc, bibendum ut lacus et, faucibus gravida eros. Maecenas eu nulla vehicula, laoreet ipsum eu, lacinia enim.


  • _Her sister
  • _Visiting Masca Oasis
  • _Her ship, Ascari
  • _Unknown
  • _Unknown


  • _Cops
  • _Stuffy clothes
  • _Unknown
  • _Unknown
  • _Unknown


  • _Unknown
  • _Unknown
  • _Unknown
  • _Unknown
  • _Unknown


  • _Ut mauris dui, suscipit eu orci vel, tristique semper ligula. Etiam et consectetur libero. In non neque suscipit, fringilla ex in, egestas dolor. Sed a eros risus.
  • _Mauris a urna at purus tincidunt ullamcorper ut et nisi. Nulla ut euismod nisi. Ut dignissim, est vel consequat vestibulum, ipsum sapien aliquet ante, non viverra tortor nunc at ipsum.
  • _Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce non rhoncus sapien. Donec ac feugiat lectus, mattis hendrerit felis. Mauris interdum nulla non ipsum varius semper.
  • _Phasellus justo urna, placerat in eros eu, elementum bibendum orci. Quisque id tellus nec lacus molestie iaculis nec eu odio.
  • _Curabitur dignissim felis id diam placerat venenatis.



Branti and Grani are pretty close, at least according to Branti. She often uses her sister's shop as a hideout and a place to stash her ill-gotten gains. At least until the heat dies down again.

Code by Aurorean