Anisa Rodriguez



5 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Anisa Maira Rodriguez




September 6th, 2XXX


Fairfield Bay


Weight/Body Type

Hair Color

Sunset Orange

Eye Color

Pale Orange



“You know, it’s just not fair!”


Name: Anisa Maira Rodriguez

Fate: Killed by Irene Weiss

Age: 15

Birthday:September 6th, 2XXX

Star Sign: Leo

Social Class: Middle Class

Blood Type: A

Home Town: Fairfield Bay

Hair Color: Orange

Eye Color: Pale Orange

Personality: Anisa is extremely loyal to all of her friends, though that's especially true to her best friend Carmen Krueger. She's easily riled up, and is great fun to be around.

Wish: “I wish Carmen hadn’t lost anything when her house burned down.”

Quote: “You know, it’s just not fair!”

Weapon: Molotov Cocktails and a Lighter

Additional Magic: 

Soul Gem: 



Anisa Rodriguez had always been angry. As a child, she's throw temper tantrums over everything. As a student, she'd pick fights with all the other kids. People soon learned to stay out of her way, or they'd get hurt. Anisa never knew why she was angry, she just felt like the world was out to get her and that she had to fight back. She spent years in therapy trying to "fix herself" and she eventually just got more and more angry.

Then, as she entered 7th grade, a transfer student- named Carmen Krueger- joined her class and chose to sit next to her. Other kids tried to warn the new girl that Anisa was trouble, but she ignored them. Anisa was touched and tried to introduce herself to the girl, realizing that maybe she could make just one friend. Carmen ignored her, and Anisa was unable to hold in her anger. She stood up and threw a punch at Carmen, expecting to knock Carmen to the ground; however, Carmen took the hit and only responded by looking up at Anisa, annoyed. 

Anisa didn't feel mad anymore. In fact, she was shocked and felt like she had done something wrong. Carmen's face also morphed into a shocked expression before the teacher ran over to them to break up the fight. He sent Anisa to the principal and Carmen to the nurse.

With the principal, Anisa was told that she would be expelled and that this was the last time they would allow such behavior. Anisa, for the first time, was terrified of being expelled and didn't want to see her parents upset again. As Anisa began to cry, Carmen walked in and told the principal that Anisa didn't actually hit her. She claimed that Anisa was still working through her anger issues and that she shouldn't be expelled. With Carmen's claims, the principal gave Anisa another chance and let her leave.

Carmen and Anisa ditched the rest of their classes to talk at the nearby park. They shared everything with each other: Anisa admitting how much she hated the world and always had, and Carmen admitting that until now, she had never felt much at all. From that moment on, the two of them became best friends and swore they'd be together forever.

Then, during their freshman year of high school, Anisa got a call from Carmen late one night. Carmen sobbed into the phone that her house had caught fire. She had been able to escape, but her family had died in the blaze. Anisa and her family rushed over to help Carmen, but there was almost nothing they could do. Carmen had lost everything.

At that point, Carmen became absolutely emotionless, worse off than she had been as a child. She stayed at Anisa's house, but barely ate or reacted to anyone saying anything to her. Anisa was distraught, and began getting angry again. She would scream about any little thing that went wrong, and began starting fights again.

Weeks after the fire, Anisa was approached by a small, catlike creature named Kyubey. It explained that if she made a contract with him, he would be willing to give her anything. She immediately made a contract, wishing that Carmen hadn't lost anything in the fire. The next morning, Anisa woke up to a call from Carmen, asking her to come over to hang out. Her wish had made the fire a small thing that had started to burn some curtains, but was put out by Carmen's dad. No one had died and Carmen was back to being able to live life.

But now, Anisa had to spend her time fighting witches.