Kong Ling Wei



8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Kong Ling Wei


小火 (Pinyin: XiàoHuǒ), Wei
















Kong Ling Wei is a rambunctious human girl of Xianren descent. She has shoulder length black hair that parts down the middle, and has a messy fringe of bangs that cover her forehead. Two longer strands of hair frame the sides of her face, and she wears a pair of dark raspberry pink baos on both sides of her head. She has a rare condition called heterochromia; while it is not an illness of any sort and does not seem to affect her lifestyle in anyway, her eyes are bicolored; the left eye is a dark gold shade, while the right eye is a deep crimson red. The cause for her to be born with heterochromia is currently still unknown.

In terms of height she stands at 5'3, and weighs about 110 lbs. Her outfit consists of a cream colored petticoat layered under a short dark raspberry pink cheongsam with long flowy sleeves. A single dark embroidered floral pattern dot the outer curve of the dress on the right breast. A violet sash is wrapped around the waist and tied at the back in a bow. At the ends of the bow are two small round bells, and her outfit is finished off with purple leggings and dark raspberry colored boots. Usually she's seen without makeup, although in some instances she wears violet eyeshadow, deep rose lipstick, and purple or pink nail polish.

Kong Ling Wei is an elemental magic user, and in particular she is quite proficient in using fire magic. At the young age of 4, she discovered that she had an aptitude in magic, as she accidentally lit the fireplace in her home one evening by pointing at the firepit, almost injuring her younger brother in the process, who had happened to be playing too close to the firepit. Not knowing why or how she had these mysterious and dangerous powers, she asks her parents. As they explain to her about her history, she discovers that her bloodline has had a history where elemental fire magic, which was originally a blessing given to her ancestor Kong Li Fa from the Phoenix 1000 years ago during the war against the territory of Hidai, is passed down to the firstborn female of every other generation on the maternal side of the family. This means that although Kong Ling Wei's mother didn't have the aptitude in magic, her mother's deceased mother (aka Kong Ling Wei's late grandmother) did. She also learns that night that her powers are closely linked to her emotions, and that the powers first being to manifest during childhood at around the ages 4 to 6 years old. After listening to her parents' explanation, Kong Ling Wei feels fear at first as she was afraid she could not control her newfound powers, so her parents quickly suggested that she trains with Ryuu, a sensei that specializes in weaponry, martial arts and elemental magic. Agreeing to the offer without a second thought, her parents got in touch with the sensei, and less than a week later Kong Ling Wei was sent off to Ryuu's dojo, where she would be taken in as his disciple.

Adjusting to her new surroundings at the dojo was much easier than the then 4-year-old thought it would be. Back in her tiny hometown in Eolae, she'd often been picked on for her strangely colored eyes and tomboyish behavior. In sharp contrast to that, the children who lived near Ryuu's dojo were much more accepting of her, and she with them as they each had their own little quirks as well. She soon became fast friends with them all, and with her rediscovered confidence it was no longer hard to make new friends.

Meeting new people was easy at least, minus with one 5 year old boy at the dojo. He happened to be Ryuu's only son, and went by the name of Chang. He was another elemental magic user being trained by Ryuu and had been his only disciple before Kong Ling Wei came along. And unlike Kong Ling Wei's fire, his element was ice. Naturally the two of them immediately had disliked each other; Chang because he was afraid his new classmate would outshine him, while Kong Ling Wei disliked Chang because he was so cold to her for an unexplained reason. Soon that dislike grew into rivalry, as the two would compete with each other over almost everything. It didn't get to the point where Ryuu had to always be around to keep the two children from ripping each other apart, but the rivalry was definitely there due to the constant arguments, teasing, and taunting.

Kong Ling Wei also tried to connect with her new sensei, although there was struggles as Ryuu remained rather closed off and preferred to keep his thoughts to himself. One day before Ryuu and Kong Ling Wei went to train, Kong Ling Wei confronts Ryuu and he asks her why she had to be trained by him and nobody else. Kong Ling Wei tells him adamantly that she trusted him and was determined to master the powers that she had inherited, no matter the cost in order to use them to protect the ones she cares for. Ryuu gains a sense of respect as he remembers how similar to her that he was as a youth. This was something big, as even Ryuu's own son had never been able to make him try to open up to people more. Because of this, Ryuu starts to see his rival as someone more than just an annoying little girl. Eventually the three of them came to have a deeper understanding for each other, and the tension-filled rivalry between Kong Ling Wei and Chang became friendlier. About a month after that her sensei nicknamed her 小火(Pinyin: XiàoHuǒ, directly translates to "small flame"), and since then the alias had stuck. However, only Ryuu calls her this since he considers her to be almost like a daughter; everybody else refers to her by her real name.

After completing her training and graduating from Ryuu's dojo at the age of 14, Kong Ling Wei and Chang both decided to venture off on their own to see the world. Before the two left though, Ryuu gave Kong Ling Wei a magic steel fan and a pair of enchanted daggers to Chang as a farewell gift. Chang then asks his rival if she wanted to travel with him, but she declines, leaving Chang feeling dejected. However, she then makes a promise to Chang, that even though she wanted to travel alone, that she hoped to bumped into him again during her travels and that if they do that they should have a small sparring match one day. Chang happily accepts the promise, and after the finial farewells between the two graduates and their former master, the two part ways, leaving Ryuu to his dojo.

Afterwards, she went back home to her parents to spend the rest of her day with them before leaving on her journey. Even several months after her graduation from his dojo, she still thinks of the fan as a symbol of the memories she shared with her former master and classmate. The fan ends up being her ideal weapon for mid to long range combat, as she can use it as an extension of her arm; allowing her to shoot flames at the foes that are farther away from her. Even without her steel fan though, she's capable of melee combat thanks to her quick reflexes, gymnast-like flexibility, agility, and quick accurate strikes due to years of martial arts training with Ryuu. Her magic specializes in ranged bombardment spells, as she is capable of launching fireballs from her kicks and punches. She also is skilled in defensive and supportive spells, as she can cast barriers of flames to shield herself or another person, as well as summon a powerful torrent of flames to cloak her legs to help her maneouver through the air via the manipulation of air currents using kinetic heat energy. Normal people who don't know about elemental magic often mistaken this for "flying". Additionally, some people who've seen her battle, particularly Ryuu and Chang, note that her fighting style is that of a deadly but elegant dance routine.

Personality-wise, Kong Ling Wei is a fiesty teenage girl that has a fiery temper and sharp tongue that typically gets her into trouble. She tends to give people sass more often than not, and she the kind of girl who doesn't like to take people's bullshit at all. She is a tomboy, as she doesn't like acting or dressing like a "typical girl" her age. Ever since birth, she's been known to speak before she thinks, and that often gets her into trouble with her peers and her parents. As she grew older though, she's learned to tame that somewhat thanks to her sensei's methods of discipline. She also has a strong sense of justice as she does not tolerate crime, and would do anything to try and protect the ones she loves.