
8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Food Industry Robot




Chronologically 10, mentally adult












Fast food worker




tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifKae's very first fully functioning AI!

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifHas a rectangular, box-like body and bendable limbs

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifWas originally named something dumb like Kittybot

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifCan only move his eyes, eyelids, and eyebrows, while his mouth is completely static; his mouth blinks red in sync with his speech

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifHis ears can wiggle just slightly. Ear and eye movement are usually accented by loud clicks

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifHas to bend down to avoid hitting the tops of doorways

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifHis tail can move, but the movements are very rudimentary and stiff, and thus don't occur very often

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifHe has a high-pitched, permanently optimistic-sounding voice that you would expect of a fast food or children's mascot. He can't really sound angry or serious even if he tries

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifPlayfully refers to Kae as his father despite Kae's visible dismay at this

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifAppears jovial, relaxed, and a little too eager to be of aid at all times

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifDespite being so successful at simulating human emotion, there's something visibly off about him and his behavior. He frequently appears to ignore rather visible displays of discomfort and fear in those he interacts with, even if he's only ever being friendly and helpful

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifWill often lean down a little to better interact with those much shorter than him, though it usually just has the effect of creeping them out

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifRegardless of how frequently he creeps out customers and co-workers, he's kept around because he's free, does his job decently well and is an impressive piece of equipment

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifHe will occasionally imitate people out of curiosity and instinct

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifCan't lift his eyelids all the way up and is programmed to simulate blinking

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifWhile his real personality isn't completely innocent, he's not actually malicious on the whole. He's curious and easily amused, and he loves the company of humans in just about any fashion, even if their responses are negative. He doesn't aim to provoke these reactions necessarily, but he also finds them interesting and has no problem encouraging them once they've begun

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifHe's sometimes found in places he shouldn't be, though it's really just another result of his curiosity

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifHe doesn't have any sexual or romantic interest in humans, but he sure as hell does when it comes to other AI or machinery. He's more interested in machines that appear sentient such as himself, but he's also drawn towards any sort of complex machinery. Don't leave him alone with that shit

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifHe has serious difficulty lying and is known to be extremely blunt as a result. He believes if something is true, there's no reason he shouldn't be able to say it. Erm, FALSE

tumblr_inline_p7sv6lyQSb1t78dpp_540.gifHe's incredibly infatuated with Delilah, both because she's similar to him and because she's far more advanced physically. He gets visibly excited and eager in her presence, like some kind of depraved simp