Gavin Kett



9 years, 8 months ago


Name: Gavin Kett
Job Title: highwayman ( often feigns being a jester, just so he can get closer to his targets/into the castle and towns without being arrested-or he sneaks in at night)
Age: 21 (Aged since pokemon-castle/creation)
Birthday: dec. 5
Race: medieval (Adonian)
Characteristic: Likes to fight
Nature: lonely

Move Set: Close Combat, X-scissor, False Swipe, Shadow Claw

Personality:Kett is very antisocial. He almost never smiles, unless he's found a particularly nice amount of valuables or scheming. He's very taciturn, more often than not, with a frown plastered on his face . Due to years living alone, he often acts more aggressive than one would normally as he has no sense of civility. Very sneaky, cut-throat and traitorous, also a rumored merciless murderer of interfering brigands ((aka other bandits, vagabonds, criminals ect.))

After the years he spent in Adonai He's become even more untrusting and violent. He acts as if every encounter is a "Game", often behaving smugly or conceited to gain the upperhand. He most often acts less skilled than he is as well, to not tip anyone off to his abilities until it's too late. He relishes in secrecy and will stop at nothing to maintain it.

Backstory: Kett was abandoned as a baby, left in the streets. He was raised til the age of 7 at a neighboring town's orphanage, until he decided to run away after a botched theft. Having no memory of his parents and no parental supervision, or any real sense of right or wrong, Kett began his life of thievery. At first resigning to petty thefts, pickpocketing and break-ins, then when he reached the age of 12, he apprenticed under a seasoned Highwayman. He learned as much as he could from the man before departing to find his own "goldmine", eventually settling in the nearby woods of Castle Adonai.

History (Adonai): Kett often fought with the guards and other thieves of the city, challenging them openly and usually outsmarting or tricking them before vanish again into the woods. He at times would enter the kingdom itself, often under disguise with Ash, a small loppuny he was fond of. At one point even sneaking into the castle with a young child, using the boy as an escuse if caught, while he searched for the king's crown. Needless to say the boy was rather "endearing" and Gavin quickly lost interest, deigning to attempt again later without any kids mucking up his work. He would have done so, until the kingdom was abandoned and he was forced to wander elsewhere, eventually stumbling upon Avalon. Maybe he'll get a chance at that crown once more.

Relationship Status: Single, seems to be faithful to a buneary he knew long ago, though he rarely sees her.

((info on Gavin and Ash's relationship))
No matter how rogue-ish, Gavin tends to be better behaved around echo. His nickname for her is Ash, which is the widely used nickname now, although most a 'mon wouldn't know where it
originated from. She met him once when he visited her home town when she was very young - she let him stay in the barn without letting her parents know. eventually Gavin left after a period of a couple days, but he visited from then on periodically - about once or twice a year sounds a bout right. Currently, whenever gavin needs a place to stay at the Castle, she always has a place by the hearth where he can stay (if she had another bed, mons might get suspicious). They are very close.

Echo often comes out of her shell when he's around.
Gavin says echo's music makes him sad, but he often relaxes to it - when he can't sleep, he thinks of the melodies.

Likes: sweet food, fights, swordfighting, swords and weapons, valuables, adrenaline rushes.
Dislikes: Spicy foods, losing or being caught/apprehended. Being outsmarted. Doing nothing.

Fears: Losing what he's worked for, losing the one he cares about, heights, situations without options.

Gavin greatly disdains situations where he cannot get the upperhand, to him it's a personal failure and not acceptable. He also heavily fears any harm befalling Ash, although he's lost contact with her since Adonai.

NPC Relations: None

Ability: Immunity: Poison has no effect/prevents poisoning

Since he wanders a lot and doesn't have a home, he wears more clothing ((layers)) than most in order to stay warm.He also never goes anywhere without his blade ((the sword on his back)). He has the classic highwayman garb, A hood, trousers, belts and daggers, as well as pouches to store stolen jewels and Dona.

Item: His sword, used as his primary weapon and threatening device. ((when you have a huge sword at your throat, it wouldn't be wise to refuse forking over your valuables ))

Current residence: none, wanders the forests and surrounding areas, he may have several places he hides his stashes, but no one really knows where.

Hobbies: Controlling the roadways, hijacking carriages, robbing and looting rich caravans and individuals. Attempting to steal royal crowns. Swordfighting anyone he sees who can use one.


Has elongated fur on his forehead which is more "white" than the rest of his fur, and appears to be hair.

His right eye is scarred from a battle with a knight, in which he won, but gained an unsightly scar.

He has Heterocromia Iridium: Dual colored eyes. His left eye is blue while his right is yellow.

He hates sleeves and never wears shoes. ((shoes are cumbersome, and he's deathly silent when sneaking barefoot.))

He seems to get upset whenever he sees other buneary or loppuny, however his actions vary.
Cressents: 0
Heart Scales: 0
Special Items: