Carmen, Guardian Cat



9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info




Senshi (Order)


Carmen is not an official Moonshop character yet, but hopefully she will be one soon!



Negotiator - Carmen is good at establishing contact with people; she is friendly most of the time, and almost always has gossip for the information exchange. She has something of a gift of gab or a silver tongue that enables her to get what she (or someone she's associated with) wants with ease. She has a good repertoire of tricks to smooth negotiation out and move it along, though she is more persuasive in her methods than intimidating (how intimidating can a fluffy cat be, claws or no?).

Informed and Informative - Carmen likes to stay abreast of all the latest information, be it simple gossip or valid details that could change the fate of a mission. She retains information well, and she'll be sure to give it out liberally. She isn't the type of cat to just awaken a senshi and leave; she will want to make sure that the senshi understands his or her duty and answer any questions that might have come up. She will likely seek out any senshi she awakens again to make sure that they've been kept updated on the world's affairs.

Responsible - As a Guardian Cat, Carmen knows there are things she must do. Watch this post for a possible senshi to awaken at this time, change posts at that time, meet with so-and-so at this other time. She never shirks her obligations without good reason, and she is quite punctual. Being a Guardian Cat is a full-time job, and lazing around pretending she was a normal cat would feel like lying to herself. She's in it to win it, and she will do her best.


Reckless - What do you mean, the aura a cat exudes in human form is dangerous and draws unnecessary attention? Carmen doesn't care! She wants to do what she wants and she wants to do it right then and there, regardless of the risks. If that means changing into her cat-person form just to prove a point, or sitting out in the open and singing loudly even if that could result in her getting nabbed by someone, so be it. She'll take all kinds of risks for all kinds of reasons, and more often than not the consequences are not in her favor.

Demanding - Carmen tends to want what she wants when she wants, and only that. You will accomplish X Y and/or Z tasks for her, like it or not! It is important that you do X Y and/or Z, and don't ask why, just do it! She is not above browbeating someone into doing a favor for her, though even she knows that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar and her default tactics involve polite, sweet wheedling. In any case, regardless of the tactic she uses, she is determined to get her way.

Critical - If Carmen doesn't think you're doing your job properly, she will let you know. A lot. She sometimes doesn't let go of bygone incidents if she feels the incident was significant enough, and if the incident was bad, she'll nitpick every detail of it and you to determine what could have been changed to fix the situation. If you're a senshi that seems particularly disengaged from the war effort, she might slip a few subtle barbs in at you to whip you into shape. She really just wants to help people improve themselves through her critique, but sometimes she goes a little too deep and someone's feelings get legitimately hurt.