


8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Name: Deiter  ( "Dee-eh-ter" )

Age: 24

Height: 6'5"

Gender: He/Him

Personality: Sarcastic, Snide, Sure of himself, Can be kind, Observant of others, Hard Headed, Persistent, Very aware of his surroundings.

Relationship: None



- Starborne.

❤'s:  Music|| Seeing others happy|| Hot baths|| Kind folks|| Walking around the city at night|| The commotion and bustle of a busy place.||
✘'s: . Humans || Fights/Conflict|| Distrustful or shady folks|| Being ordered around|| Being talked down to|| Being chained, bound, or tied to anything|| Being locked in rooms, even jokingly.|| Starborne.||


  Deiter, in his spare time, works on composing and creating small pop tunes and pieces of music for commercial use. Though he is able to make money this way, he truly wishes to one day be able to make music for himself that widely sells and that people are able to enjoy across Palleth. Otherwise, he works as a helping hand on Mallows farm, and in return she gives him a place to stay. 


Deiter was originally created to be a partner to a famous musician. As such, he was created to have an innate talent with music. However, due to several circumstantial mishaps, when he was sent out from the facility, he was delivered to the wrong home, and instead of a professional and kind musician, the people that did end up receiving him were unusually cruel. 

He spent most of his days tied by barbed wire to a stiff bed post in a dark room, and he only ever saw light whenever they would come in to beat him. Sometimes they wouldn't even feed him, and he would go hungry for days until they got tired of hearing him howl. The only kindness he was afforded was that his owners would roughly cut the longer fur on his neck so that it wouldn't get tangled in the barbed collar he was forced to wear, but also so that the pointed metal would dig deeper into his skin when he struggled against them. 

Every night he would hum tunes to himself, trying in any way he could to free his mind of his current situation. Music for him became an escape, and after a year and a half of struggling to stay alive, he managed to free himself and absconded while his abusers were away. The blood that’d trickled onto the barbed wire from his cuts had begun to rust the metal cables, and one day he was able to muster enough strength to snap the weakened bonds that had chained him to that horrible house for so long. He broke down the door to the room he’d been locked in and stumbled outside, into the open and away from that heinous place. 

He walked for days on end, desperately wanting to be as far away from there as possible. It was a wonder he was able to make it so far on such little energy. But even just being outside, excited him and gave him a new strength. The world here was so big and vast, and was a welcomed change from the dark damp room he’d been hidden away in practically since his creation. After weeks of running, he stumbled upon Mallow’s little secluded country home. The smell of fresh cooking wafting out from the window enticed his empty stomach, and he, unable to think for the hunger and the exhaustion, made his way to her doorstep and collapsed. When he next awoke, he found that a soft looking grem, roughly the same size as he, had tended to his wounds and was now dozing off at his bedside. A warm cup of soup sat on top of a table for him only a foot away. Before he could even sit up fully, he began to weep.

   Deiter can tend to be a bit sarcastic and cocky, but he is generally a very kind grem. Once past his snide exterior he is a trustworthy and caring friend. Despite his sarcastic demeanor, he is not actually cold to everyone he meets. In fact he quite loves to see others happy and smiling and will often intentionally make a fool of himself and be generally careless all to try to make people laugh. 

  How he was treated by his previous false-owners greatly influenced his behavior, along with the way he saw the world, and has made him genuinely care about how other’s feel, even if he may not know them all too well. If he ever takes his sassy, sarcastic, joking attitude too far to the point where people become upset, he will apologize honestly, as it is not his intention to ever upset anyone or make them feel uncomfortable. 

  As his careless attitude may foretell, Deiter is not a very serious grem, and it is VERY difficult to genuinely upset him, but if one were to succeed in angering him, depending on the situation, he may hold a grudge for a very long time. He is always willing to talk things out before they get to that point though, so if he has a dislike for anyone, it is usually well founded.


-Deiter has a strong distrust of humans, and will go out of his way to avoid interacting with them. If it cannot be avoided, he will interact at the bare minimum. He is cautious around any and all humans.

-Mallow wishes to help Deiter get over his distrust of humans, and while he is willing to go along with her, it is still a very hard subject for him to put into practice. 

- After Deiter escaped, the original musician who he was supposed to be delivered to filed a complaint with Gremcorps, for never having received what he paid for, that caused the company to investigate what had gone wrong with the delivery. They ended up at the abusers home and after discovering evidence of their mistreatment for the grem, filed criminal charges against them. They were however unable to track down Deiter, and ended up having to compensate the original buyer in another way. 

-Had Deiter gone to the right home, he would have been treated to a life of luxury and been very well cared for. Unfortunately things didn't end up that way. 

-Deiter and Mallow have become so close that they consider themselves siblings at this point. They care deeply for each other. (Despite this, Deiter has never told Mallow the reason for him showing up at her door step.)

- Deiter and Starborne do NOT get along well at all. Starborne constantly taunts and harasses Deiter for the smallest of things. (Because it amuses them.) Deiter cannot stand to be around Starborne. (They don't make fun of Mallow however.)



Obtained via: Fundraiser flat sale ($100)