Azusa Futagawa



5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info






Her parents, worms


Pancakes, cats


Note: Azusa is my Mahou Shoujo Site oc

Azusa is very quiet and reserved unless when around her only friend. Nobody in her school is really interested in socializing with her as she was seen as a boring person. 


Azusa has dirty pink hair and brown eyes, the tips of her hair fades to crimson red and she bleeds from her eyes when using her stick. Her emblem is a three-leafed clover. 

Her stick is a jacket, which she mostly wears everyday. Her power is Intangibility, which makes her go through anything, like walls or passing objects. 


Azusa’s biological mother left her at an orphanage when she was still a baby, the orphanage took care of her until she was 7 years old, the age where she got adopted. Turns out, her parents were abusivem they only provide her education because they thought she would become a pretty good use one day.

Its mostly her father that’s abusive, and her mother has extremly unpredictable moodswings. 

She found a cat in an alleyway inside a box and decided to feed it once she goes to and leaves school. Her parents killed it tho once she took her in on a stormy day cuz she felt bad for her. Azusa’s father abused her again for burying the cat. 

On day, Azusa’s mother announced that she was pregnant, the father was not amused. After the baby was born, Azusa’s mother took care of him and Azusa got along with him, until one day when Azusa got home from school, she found his little brother’s body covered in blood. Azusa’s mother killed him because he was “too annoying”, and she ordered her to clean up the mess.

Extremely infuriated and saddened by this, azusa locked herself up in her room. Thats when she became a magical girl.

She received a neatly folded jacket inside her shoe locker with a note from one of the administrators.

Her friend, Maaya, noticed her jacket and was convinced a few days later she was a magical girl.