🎪 Funky Scar 🎪



5 years, 5 months ago


Name Funky Scar
Species Dreamdemon Neko
Age 14, later 29
Height 5'8
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Homosexual
Relationship Status Has a heavy crush on Seed, dates him later on
Occupation works in the Bar "Bloody Kitty" as a waiter

Status Alive
Designer ChocoChan
Worth Forever homed, don't even try



Funky loves to tell puns or making sport. He's very active and sleeps not that much, being jumpy and acting like he has drank too much coffee (especially at nighttime). He will always tell some puns or trying to entertain customers, which he's very good at. But sometimes, he tells the wrong pun to the wrong people, getting into trouble, so Sarpedon has to help him out of it. Even tho Funky is very, very optimistic and like an open book, he's very shy when it comes to romantic stuff or love. this shows especially when he's with Seed. And every time, when somebody mentions something sexual, he immediately turns red being embarassed like crazy.

You will often find him sitting somewhere on the roof of the bar or inside above the tables and customers. He loves to climb ever since he was in the circus, and his biggest wish is being able to fly. Sadly, and he knows it, it will never come true. Besides this, he's pretty much open-minded. Except when it comes to his past. He doesn't talk at all about it. The only exceptions are Trauma, Sarpedon and Seed. Otherwise, he keeps his past a secret, and he often calls Las Vegas the "Land of Broken Promises".

In the Snake Pit Arc, Funky is a lot more shut-in. In the first years of this arc, he's still the old Funky, but as soon as Trauma got attacked and injured, he was never the same. He copies her style in clothing and is scared that she will die some day. So he doesn't even care about his looks anymore, he just tries to stay away from others so he won't bother them.

He cares so little about his looks, that he walks through the bar with his socks on. One year after the accident, Seed confessed his love to Funky to help him out even more. Ever since then, they're a lovely couple. But the earlier happy Funky and the earlier shy Seed seemed to switch roles. Funky is now the calmer, more shy part, and Seed is the active one.


Funky owns the usual Dreamdemon Skills. This includes Hiding of demontraits (His flowerears and -tail are dissappearing and his thin pupils are turning round), Dreamwandering and -eating (can enter dreams of others and eat them afterwards), Nightsight (Neko Skill, can see perfectly at night, but has a blurry sight at daytime) as well as Catrisma (People loving cats love him at first sight, People loving dogs kinda hate him.). He can also climb up to high places, especially in the Snake Pit Arc he has no problems with being in heights, since he has his long tail again.

But Funky isn't much of a fighter. He might be fast, sportive and very active, but his power and his defence are terrible. When it comes to a fight, he mostly saves the injured ones and/or runs away. But when he has to defend himself, he drops some needles he usually uses to let balloons pop (one of his pet peeves. Whenever he sees a balloon, he wants to let it pop with a needle). Also, he makes up for the power in his body with the power in this bite. He can even break bones when he's biting someone or something, it's insane.

When all of this doesn't help, he has one last trick. When he climbs up and can't escape, he throws himself off the tree at his enemy, injuring them. But he fails sometimes and it can injure him too. That's why he mostly runs away or jumps away from the enemy. He's all about close range fighting if he has to, but since some enemies can fight far ranged as well, he has a lot of problems with them.


Funky was born into a circus family from the circus "Demondance", where many Dreamdemons showed their special skills. And our young neko was famous for his long, fluffy tail and his couragous tricks on a rope on the top of the circus. Nobody called him Funky. His name on stage was "The flying cat". But he didn't mind. The people smiled and were exhited about his tricks. He played there for a long time. Until he realised something. He realised, how much money they were making. How they made the same tricks over and over again because they worked to make money. And he was angry about it. For him, his show wasn't a moneymaker machine. He wanted to show people new things, not the same thing over and over just for fame. He talked to his family, to the director. But his family was blinded by the money and the director told him to stop "with this childish thoughts in the time of capitalism." Funky even ran away once to help people on the street with food and making them smile. But another neko from the circus, Snowclaw, an albino, brought him back, where the director scold him for his behaviour. And then, Funky made a desicion. He ran away, but this time for good.

But Snowclaw followed him to catch him again. They ran through the forest, and Funky could escape through a portal to the neko territory, but Snowclaw cut off his long, fluffy tail. Arrived at the neko territory, he ran into the first building he saw: A young bar called "Bloody Kitty". The barkeeper, Sarpedon, saw the wounded Funky collapsing on the ground. He helped him with his wounds and as Funky asked for a place to live, Sarpedon agreed, when Funky would help him at his workplace. Funky agreed and Sarpedon became his nice boss, which he never had. He even took over the bar, when Sarpedon had to stay in an hospital for a longer time. And then, because of his contacts, he managed to bring Seed and Trauma into the bar. Ever since then, the bar grew popularity and Funky enjoys his life in the bar. If only he could tell Seed how much he loves him...

After Trauma got attacked by Snake, Funky became more of a shut-in. He tried to stay away from people and would only let Seed and Trauma close to him. Especially with Trauma, he tried to keep his happy side shining, but he couldn't. But he got together with Seed, since it was Trauma's big wish for them to be finally happy together. Since then, they're a couple.

The next 4 years, Trauma would come less to the bar. After her death, the bar was informed, since she was a regular. Funky fell into a deeper hole, and tried to keep even Seed away. But Seed took care of his sad boss Sarpedon. and especially of his even sader boyfriend, trying to keep everything up. After some time, the bar recovered from the sadness and to honor Trauma, Sarpedon would still sing "Stand by me" and "follow you", when the three workers were thinking of Trauma again. Seed and Funky even married after they recovered.