boba tea



5 years, 4 months ago


nicknamed Tea

- masked creature / maskie(s) [a demon]

- silent, friendly, playful, curious

- nimble like a cat and share similar paws (just without any claws).
- breeds like any, normal, animal and has reproductive organs.
- babies are born with soft and fragile masks.
- a few make sounds, normally squeaks or tiny growls, while most prefer not to (and they also have the ability to telepathically communicate with other creatures).
- carnivorous. hide a maw of tiny, sharp teeth right beneath the mask. prey on smaller creatures (even baby maskies, but uncommonly).
- they fight only if necessary, or if their prey is being particularly unruly.
- the mask is apart of their skull.

appearance ,,
Boba Tea is a light purple, rabbit-like, creature with a nimble physique similar to felines. Her coloring consists of an aesthetical, purple theme with spots, which gives her a proper name [like the tea]. She has thick and fluffy fur. Her ears are long and fluffy, and she has a very short tail. Her mask is white with three purple spots going down the center of her eyes. Beneath the mask is a set of sharp teeth, as mentioned above.