Edelle Nygma



5 years, 4 months ago


Basic Info

Full Name: Doctor Edelle Nygma (originally Nashton)

Age: 27

Height: 5'9

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Sexuality: Demisexual

Occupation: Forensic Scientist 

Nationality: English


Edelle and her older brother Charles were brought up in Kensington, by her parents David and Nora. To most, they seemed like a picture perfect family; successful, wealthy and close. But the reality was anything but. David was an alcoholic and a womaniser, who would often take his frustrations out on his wife Nora, both physically and verbally. One day, she up and left with the promise she would come back for Edie and Charlie. She never did come back. David grew even angrier after his wife left him, drinking even more than before and taking out his rage on his two young children.   

Edelle excelled at school, passing tests with flying colours and was very much a teacher's pet always striving to impress in hopes their pride in her would fill the void of a true parental figure in her life. At one parents evening, her father was incredibly intoxicated and striked Edelle across the face in front of her teacher. He claimed that there was no way she could have excelled as she did in her exams, believing her to be a cheater and claiming she disgraced the Nashton name. To cut a long story short, child protection services were called and her and her brother were sent to live with their aunt in Chicago. 

While both children became to heal over time, Edelle gained emotional scars that she never truly recovered from. She was diagnosed with OCD and when she was younger, she used to have panic attacks regularly. She coped with the numbness of her life by pushing herself into success, graduating with an stellar record and going on to get a PHD in forensics and working for the police force. Every success fulled her growing narcissism, making social interactions all harder for her, as when she did speak up she came across as arrogant and hostile. She would close herself off from people to avoid arguments and ridicule. She only really allowed herself to be vulnerable around her brother Charles, who always dropped anything and everything when she needed him, putting a strain on his own relationship with his boyfriend, Jayden. 

At some point in her life, her brother Charles is killed in the cross fire of a gang fight and this pushes her over the edge. She seeks out the leader of the gang and murders them, along with all the other members present at the time. Since she is a forensic scientist, she knows how to destroy a body without getting caught and proceeds to do so. She goes on to kill other people in a sick form of justice, now believing that the law fails people. The murders become more and more brutal as she carries on but keeps up the facade of a shy and annoying girl.

Random Facts

  • Edelle is a fandom character for the DC universe, based on the Riddler and the backstory above is an normal world AU of her
  • She changes her surname the Nygma, so her initials are like enigma, just spelt differently
  • She suffers from OCD and has a god complex
  • Her name is German and means noble