Eros / Cupid



Eros / "Cupid" | Male (He/Him) | Unknown, though he appears to be younger than most of the souls in Paradise | Fallen Angel Angel | Pansexual

Manipulative, cunning, and bold enough to even strike a deal* with Cassandra, the lust-controlling demonkin/"devil" (found here:, it's no true surprise that Eros' stay/life in Paradise was supposed to be far from long. However, oddly enough, he's been able to continually stay - not to mention that the rather pure, supposed "angelic deity of love", Amore, has recently gone missing. 

Poised to become one of the '"fallen" - a not so elite group of angels destined to descend into an eventual fall into that of the hellscape - due to his wicked actions and selfishly (near) cruel inner personality*; Eros knew - oh, Eros knew - that if wished to continue to leech off of live in the beautiful bounty that was his current home (Paradise), he'd need to pull more than just a few strings in order to save his, plush, baby blue, fluffy fur coated hide; and what better way - "oh what better way" - to do such a thing than to push the poor, sweet, oh-so-innocent, "true relic of love" - Amore - into the deep, dark, unforgiving bowels of a land, a land most commonly known as Hellscape. (I mean, really, really - wouldn't take much.)

Thus, with a bit of planning,  not to mention a schemed deal on Eros' end, Amore, the sweet, caring, ever so innocent Amore, was pushed off of the clouds of paradise, pushed into the heatedly hard structures of Hellscape, now forced to live within a new fate - and oh the joy, oh the joy, was that day, that glorious, everlasting, forever going on day; ..the day in which a lowly cupid became "king".

Why did he pick Amore above all of the other angels he could turn into damon? Because he hated her, envied her; he wanted to be her. No one knows.

*(Sometime within his days of "living" upon Paradise, the formerly-decent Eros chose to strike a deal with Cassandra, demon of lust and love. In exchange for all of the "good" parts of his internal soul, he'd receive a snippet of her [Cassie's] powers; likewise, he can now control mild emotions/daze people (he also has a more demon-like alt form that activates whenever he feels strong emotion/is angry) - this is how he got the "representative of love" "grounded" in the first place.)

Design/Character Notes:

  • When in "angelic/light" form, he does not have (translucent) wings, but rather, a sole glowing halo that circles(?) his head.
  • His colors become duller/his form is more demon-like whenever he experiences a bout of strong, negative emotion, such as going through arrogant pride or raging anger.
  • His heart-shaped "tail tip" can in fact open at a hinge, similar to that of a mouth/jaw.