Angel Tree Topper



5 years, 4 months ago



Eyes: Normal

Ears: Little Angel's golden wings

Horns: No horns

Tail: Golden Bird's tail

Wings: Golden Angel

Body: No marks (Pale)

Jelly taste: Fig pudding

Age of death: 20

Age since being reborn: 4 years

Current Master: Galiena Schulte (36, Noble), her husband Bruno Schulte (40, Noble), her daughter Ada Schulte (6, Noble), and her sons Clove Schulte (12, Noble, Student) and Hartmut Schulte (12, Noble, Student)


I can't take this anymore let me die...

I stand and twirl with red overflowing, admiring my new dress. How nice, for Master to dress me up so fine! How beautiful, how kind. I can't help but feel guilty...yet Master wants me of this? Well, if She insists, then I will wear it with pride. Twirl, twirl, fingers tracing red and green fabric lovingly, stroking, stroking, what wonderful colors! She got me on such a wonderful day! To prepare for another day, what was it? The tomorrow, what was the tomorrow? White, fluffy, I remember the snow. How cold, how cruel. But so soft...I could bury my head in it forever, never once taking out to take away the freezing cold. A knock, a murmur, before people enter. My Master and a girl, so little, how cute! I blink as I stop twirling and playing and curtsy. "How do you do?" I ask, a voice so pure and high like something sent from above. The girl stares at me and giggles. "Did you look in a mirror?" she asks. I look once more, staring. "You look like an angel tree topper! For Christmas! Today! Isn't that great?" I stare thoughtfully, the words playing on my lips.

Angel Tree Topper...

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