


5 years, 5 months ago


"Sleep? I don't know her."

Name: Kazu

Nickname: Kazzy, Kazoo kid, Kazoo 

Age: 18

Birthday: December 13th, sagittarius 

Height: 5'6"

Pronouns: He/him

Physical description: Kazu is usually always tired and has pale skin and eyebags to show for it. He has dark eyes and thick, fluffy, choppy hair. He has a slightly pear-like body shape, and an average amount of muscle. 

Sexuality: Pansexual

Significant other(s): Spark 

Family: a mother and a father, who he doesn't live with anymore. 

Fears/phobias: People hating him because that shit hurty, and sleeping, though it's more what happens when he sleeps. 

"If I pass out, I'm going to make sure I fall on you. Hopefully you'll be taken by surprise and smack into a wall or something." 

Kazu is naturally quiet and distant, and prefers to stay away from people because of his bad experiences in the past. He doesn't really take the initiative to get to know other people, but if others show interest in him he'll return it. Once he gets more comfortable with people he can be pretty chill and friendly, and there will be some light-hearted banter. 

- He likes when people have good opinions on him, because that means less pain. He really likes spray-painting and art, and will usually use building walls as his canvases. He also has a squirrel named Ritz that he's really fond of and feeds crackers.
- He dislikes his power. A lot. And also sleep paralysis. 

Kazu's power is like a double edged sword. People may think it would be cool to know what everyone thinks of you, but Kazu can feel it. When somebody thinks of him negatively, he gets these painful pricks all over whenever he's near them. On the other hand, when people think positively of him, it makes his skin feel all warm and fuzzy, which he likes.
Another thing is that he often gets sleep paralysis, and it scares him, so he's developed a habit of staying awake until he physically can't anymore. 

"Honestly, I'm really unhealthy. I don't know how I'm still alive. I literally live off of dayquil and caffeine." 

Kazu's power developed on the first day of school. He had walked into class late, and upon doing so, felt one of the most painful things in his life as his teacher looked at him. Even though she was smiling, Kazu could feel it was fake. He had yelped really loudly at the painful prickly feeling, but to the other kids there was no reason to. he had embarrassed himself in front of his whole class on the first day, and never lived it down. From then on, his classmates would gently bully him (they were just young kids, after all,) but as they all matured and got older together it got worse and meaner. He had gotten used to the prickly sensations it brought, but it never hurt any less. 

So he started distancing himself. Out of sight, out of mind, he hoped. And it worked, for the most part. They eventually forgot about him, which was nice, but he developed a very reserved and introverted attitude. His only friend was a squirrel he had spent hours on catching and taming one day, which he kept in his bag and fed crackers. He also got into graffiti art, and spent a lot of time covering walls with pictures or sketching ideas in his notepad. 

Once he was old enough, he learned about Camp Wanabara, a secret place with other kids who had powers. He decided to go, because it's not like that place could be any worse. 

He was so fucking wrong. But, it was nice at first. He befriended a couple people and even started dating Spark, but then some crazy witch lady who lived in the woods and played with tar decided to fuck shit up, and other campers would go kinda crazy and attack each other. So he and his cabin mates, Spark and Braden, decided to leave together.

"I'm 80% tired and 20% done."