
5 years, 8 months ago


Austin is my farm boy. He's adorable as heck and I love him to death. He sparked the integration of my characters into the same universe as each other!

Name: Austin [LN]
Age: 21
Species: Australian Shepherd/Border Collie Mix
Height: 5’10 (178cm)
Weight: 140lbs (63.5kg)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight(possibly flexible?) + Poly
Body Type: Subtle Muscle
Occupation: Shepherd

Notable Relationships:
Significant Other(s): Taylor (dating since age 15, considered soulmates)
Mother and Father: Unnamed
Best Friend: Skylar
Sister: Roxanne

     - Playful
     - Enthusiastic
     - Joyful
     - Innocent

     - Light blue plaid bandana around his neck
     - Working boots (wishes he could unironically pull of cowboy boots)
     - Tattered and mud-stained denim overalls or jeans
     - Work shirts matching his fur color (whites, reddish-beiges)
     - Loosely woven straw sun-hat

     - Leather bracelet branded with Taylor’s name
     - Burlap bag made by Taylor as a gift just before she left for the city

     - Sheep :)
     - Baking
     - Animals


Grew up just down the road from Taylor. From childhood, they were best friends; So much so that they got matching leather bracelets with each other’s names branded into them. She was also his childhood crush. As they grew older, they continued to grow closer and he eventually admitted his long term feelings for her. She confessed that she had felt the same way, but was too nervous to admit it, and shortly after they began dating. She even gifted him her first handmade bag, made from burlap! As they entered late teens, Taylor decided to move to a larger city/metropolis farther west. Austin was unable to overcome his fears and break out of his country lifestyle on a whim the way Taylor was able to, and ended up staying behind until he could both afford to come along with her, and overcome his own fears and anxieties over such a big change. Before leaving, she sneakily took the burlap bag she had made him years ago, and embroidered on the front flap an image of a watermelon and a wheat stalk with a plus in between, in reference to her fur color and the wheat stalk he hangs out of his mouth on occasion. Somehow the bag has managed to stay in perfect condition, and shows no signs of wear! She then returned it back to him with the newly embroidered front flap as a parting gift.
As a result of her leaving, his relationship with Taylor has become rather long distance. She returns every few months to visit for a week or so, and they chat regularly via online services. After moving west, Taylor met Skylar, and they made quick friends. When she proposed the idea of a poly-amorous relationship with Austin, he wasn’t immediately thrilled with the idea, having only ever been in a mono-amorous relationship with her up to this point, but he agreed, assuming it would make her happy. Over time, he’s come to grow closer to Skylar, and they have become rather good friends. Regardless, all 3 understand that Taylor and Austin have a very special relationship and should prioritize and focus primarily on each other in the relationship. They consider each other soulmates.

Extra Info:
- Can run heckin fast in his freaking work boots and everybody is surprised. Credits the sheep