


8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Dislikes →

Sour Food

Partner →


Species →


Pronouns →

Them l They l He

Age →


Orientation →


Personality →

Calm l Kind l Shy l Patient

Occupation →

Blogger l Gardener

Likes →

Plants l Sewing l Sweaters l Wilt


  • Background →  Watson grew up in the city, cramped into a tiny apartment with his parents and older brother, Ori. They spent most of their time inside, away from the noise and hustle and bustle of the city. Eventually, they decided to try and go to school, but finding that unsuccessful, found them self fantasizing about moving to the countryside. Watson, with the help of their family, found a small home in a small village where they found a calling as a nursery owner, florist, and gardener. They also run a small blog, though it is mostly gardening tips and photos of flowers.
  • Relationship → Watson met Wilt at a small cafe in the village. At first they didn't really pay attention to the shy, clumsy barista behind the counter, but the more often they visited the shop, the more they came to really care for the awkward fae.
  • Extra Physical / Species Information → Ocula are a very unique species, having a number of traits that can differ between individuals (Ex: Number of eyes / arms, skin color, etc.). Watson's unique features include his heart shaped pupil and his minty colored skin. Some other notable traits of his includes the clear membrane around his eye that acts as a protective barrier, as well as the location of his mouth (one in the biggest sucker of each tentacle).
  • Style → Watson's body type is more on the chubby side, with wider hips and tiny feet. They are able to easily dress in any style, including dresses or skirts. Watson prefer to wear comfortable clothes, though, opting more frequently for sweaters and leggings / oversize socks.