


5 years, 5 months ago


Overall, Detrich is a very easy going and relaxed person. He wants  nothing more than to live a carefree life, yet often has to deal with  numerous little issues keeping him from it. Namely people coming to him  no matter where he goes in search of favors. All of these people  typically sent by one man in particular who constantly attempts to  convince Detrich to assist in a project of his and yet never reveals  what this is. Both from the man's stubborness in keeping the task  secret, and the general idea of whatever it is being too much work, the  job is always refused.

- The people that come to him for favors  are often innocent and usually put somthing simple forwards, as in  asking for help with a garden, or fetching something. As time has gone  by, some requests have gotten more aggressive, and the people less of  the innocent variety. This is an attempt from the man trying to recruit  him to wear the dragon down into accepting. Detrich declines most of  these out of laziness.

- He often prefers to remain in the more  human form when he travels. The dragon features gather a lot of  attention and those wings can be a bit big and clunky to work with for  him. Too many extra limbs to deal with.

- Since he's technically homeless, he'll often sleep in odd places. Park benches and trees are common when it's not cold out.

-  Personal space is something he breaches often with other people, he's  gone so far as to break into homes in the middle of the night when he  wants to sleep in a bed. Climbing right into the covers alongside the  bed's inhabitants in the night only to greet them with a pleasant hello  in the morning. This usually isn't responded to extremely fondly.

- Occasionally he can be seen smoking, though it's gotten more rare with a lack of access to cigarettes.

- If given the opportunity, he'll loiter or laze around all day in one spot, simply watching people go about their days.

- His horns are like ram horns, they curl backwards behind his ears and the tips curl upwards.…