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Short Name


Full Name

Walter Elio Mirchaz






Nahra's father, and a single parent since Nahra was young. Walter is incredibly protective of his daughter when it comes to new people in her life, and holds the friends she does have in high regard. Nahra's tendency to take other delinquents under her wing makes him nervous, but aside from that he embraces her independence, knowing she can hold her own in the world. He is always there for her regardless, and maintains this sense of parenthood well into Nahra's adult years. He calls her his "little tiger cub", a name carried over from her childhood. He is one of few people who can snap Nahra out of her full tiger form when she loses control, a skill well practiced when his wife, Seraphina, was still in the picture.

As a keeper and breeder of mythical creatures, Walter specializes in gryphons and hippogriffs. Nahra's familiar, Zephyr, hatched from an egg under his care.