Alexander James Washington



5 years, 8 months ago


2 eyes (C) | White Sclera (UC) | Shaped Pupils (R) | Cat (C) | Wooden Leg Body Mod (UR) | Curtains + Cravat- Mixed Opening (UR) | Tattoo (R)

Name: Alexander 

Animal: Cat 

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pronouns: he/him

Emotion:  arrogance 

Relationship status: Single

Family: Brother: Schrodinger and Thomas

Cadence(schrodinger’s husband) and their kids/extended family 

Personality - Calm and loving in his personal life and loud and opinionated in public Alexander is either well loved or very hated. He always stands up for what he believes in and will be the first to call you on your bullshit, but he has a hard time calling himself on his own bullshit. He always believes himself to be right and smarter than those around him, but as much as wrong with how he acts there’s right too. He’s kind and attentive to his family, always sticking up for them and defending them. Taking every hit for them. He loves hard and fast and will always be the first to compliment you on your new hair or clothes. He notices the smallest of details in the quickest of glances. He’s the first to tell you you’re beautiful and smart. He loves wholeheartedly and once you’re in he will stand as a shield for the rest of your time together, and if you leave he understands they always leave in the end. But don’t worry, he’ll still love you.

BACKSTORY - His plushie was given as a gift to a young boy obsessed with history. The child favorite time period was the American revolution and he spent hours telling Alex stories about the founding fathers of our nation and he especially loved telling stories about The man Alex was named after Alexander Hamilton! He told countless stories of the war and Hamilton’s help in founding America. Alex was amazed at the mans character and cunning in a land that was so foreign to him. 

One day the boy found out that a musical had  come out about Hamilton and was playing near by on broadway. He was so excited and begged for months to go see it. Finally his parents surprised him by taking him for his birthday! They had won tickets in the raffle the venue hosted and wear happy to get them for their history obsessed Son. The boy snuck Alex in with him to watch the show because he knew Alex would want to see it just as much as he did. Alex watched for hours in rapt attention as the players told the stories of Hamilton and his friends and family and at the end of the show Alex began to feel strange, as if he was more alive than before. Later that night after everyone was asleep Alex reformed into a necrobie and fearing he would be hated he left. He later came to live on shop street and has since found a home and a new family he will forever be fiercely protective of.