Ryouta (涼太)



Name ryouta
Species human
Age | DOB 21 | dec. 12
Height 178 cm | 5'10"
Gender male
Pronouns he/him
Orientation bisexual
Status single
Occupation magical boy

Alignment neutral good
Tarot judgement
Zodiac sagittarius







A twenty-one year old magical boy struggling to regain his lost memory. Despite being part of a greater coordinated system involved in battles against scary monsters that are sporadically sighted in the city of Tokyo, his current condition renders him unstable and incapable of taking on proper work. As of now his powers involve only an elementary level of sleep and dream manipulation. In the past months he has been using online forums to find people weighed down by insomnia or recurring nightmare patterns and helped them rest for some small change, gradually regaining control over his abilities in return. Finding out the truth about his past which his friends refuse to speak of and making himself useful in his position are his primary concerns.

Whenever he uses too much of his energy, he reverts into the form of a grey sheep keychain.

Nunc vel viverra eros. Aliquam nibh diam, mollis et est in, imperdiet condimentum lorem. Cras quis nisi laoreet, cursus arcu at, vulputate ante. Mauris tincidunt ligula ultricies metus euismod, eu mattis justo faucibus. Vestibulum interdum blandit tortor placerat porta. Mauris eu mauris metus. Nullam id massa id quam imperdiet vehicula. Morbi luctus neque et purus malesuada pretium. Integer pulvinar et justo ac lacinia. Sed et rutrum ante. Nam ut viverra tellus, sed luctus leo. Pellentesque bibendum dui neque, vitae venenatis quam blandit vitae. Sed ut diam nec velit ultrices eleifend non id ante. Nam quis tortor consequat, ultricies diam a, lobortis arcu. Maecenas egestas nec ipsum quis hendrerit. Nullam ut velit sit amet eros pellentesque laoreet.