Trade only's Comments

Hello! I'm still very interested in this lad. What are you looking for???

hi! i just saw this but if you're still interested i would be willing to let him go for money. let me know!

hi! i just saw this but if you're still interested i would be willing to let him go for money. let me know!

Ah! Well I don’t believe they can be sold if you got them in a trade/freebie. Ku-Roki has a comment below about it. Would you be interested in any characters??

Hello again! What kind of stuff are you looking for on this lad?

hello !! im the creator of this design and the past owner has received this character in a trade so you can't sell them c,:

Aa okay!! Sorry about that! (Also this is sumi's trade acc lol)

You're fine !! thank you for responding sumi !! ^^


I would consider an offer!