


5 years, 8 months ago


[to be caluclated]
Cause of Death
Age at Death
# of Lives


a golden tabby tom with dark black stripes and amber eyes

Waspstar is the ruthless leader of ThunderClan. He is strong, fierce, and merciless, but also cowardly, paranoid, and violent. He is quite mentally unstable, unable to feel normal emotions others feel. He's a bully who uses his power to his advantage in order to take advantage of others.

He takes his role as leader of ThunderClan very seriously in the sense that he has control over whatever his warriors do. He spends a lot of time helping Razorfrost organize patrols and keeps an eye on the trouble makers within ThunderClan. He dislikes the rest of the Clans, believing they are weak and ThunderClan should own their territories.


  • Waspstar is a strong, fierce warrior.
  • Waspstar has a strong sense of ambition.
  • Waspstar is very confident, sometimes too much for his own good.
  • Waspstar is very good at convincing other cats of things; whether it be by talking or by force.


  • Waspstar is very emotionally unintelligent.
  • Waspstar can be cowardly at times.
  • Waspstar tends to be paranoid quite a lot.
  • Waspstar has violent tendencies and has been known to be quite unfair.
[formerly known as : Waspkit; Wasppaw; Waspstrike]


Waspkit, Mustardkit, and Sagekit were born into ThunderClan to Russetbrook and Carpfang during greenleaf. Growing up was quite comfortable for the three littermates with no prey shortages and other kits to play with in the nursery. However, from a young age Waspkit showed signs of being very emotionally unintelligent and would end up hurting his denmates as a result. He would often get too rough with the other kits, leading scratches and bruises on their bodies until eventually the other kits stopped playing with Waspkit. Waspkit could not of cared less, he enjoyed being alone because it gave him more control. He often turned to bullying his sister, Sagekit, when he was bored. The leader of ThunderClan at the time, Snowstar, died due to illness during Waspkit's first leafbare and her deputy, Darkstar [Darksky] took her place as leader. Waspkit was fascinated by Darkstar's power as a kit and wanted to be leader just like Darkstar.

Wasppaw was apprenticed to Jaggedclaw while Mustardpaw was apprenticed to Fogcloud and Sagepaw was apprenticed to Silentpelt. Jaggedclaw was a ruthless and stern warrior; Darkstar gave Wasppaw to him as an apprentice in hopes that Jaggedclaw would humble Wasppaw. However, Jaggedclaw was an abusive mentor and often made Wasppaw do dangerous things. He once forced his apprentice to hunt on SkyClan territory to prove he was a real warrior of ThunderClan. During this time, his past denmates rarely ever spoke to him and when his siblings tried to reach out to him, he would snap at them and drive them away. Wasppaw became violent to those around him and even got into a fight at a gathering, viciously wounding a RiverClan apprentice. Darkstar banned him from gatherings for the rest of his apprenticeship. During Wasppaw's apprenticeship, Darkstar allows SkyClan cats to gather herbs on ThunderClan's territory after some of their warriors fell ill; Wasppaw was one of the cats who opposed this decision and even picked fights with SkyClan cats on their territory, which earned him elder duties often.

Waspstrike earned his warrior name along with his siblings Mustardstripe and Sagestorm during leaf-fall after they passed their warrior assessments. Not long after, a mysterious she-cat joined ThunderClan. Darkstar named the cat Razorfrost, and she and Waspstrike became friends almost instantly. Neither cat could feel emotions like love, anxiety, or shame; they had not been able to find a cat that was like them until they met. Razorfrost and Waspstrike conversed about Darkstar's policies many times, and it was clear that both cats believed the same - Darkstar was weak. Razorfrost is the cat who originally gave Waspstrike the idea to kill Darkstar and take his place as leader.

Waspstrike was given Rustpaw as his first apprentice during a particularly difficult leafbare. He was an abusive mentor just as Jaggedclaw had been, and he often drove Rustpaw too hard. During the leafbare, many WindClan cats died of starvation after the cold drove away all the rabbits on the moor. Darkstar lended WindClan a plot of ThunderClan territory in order for them to feed their Clan. Waspstrike was one of the cats who opposed this decision. Waspstrike initiated many border skirmishes around the plot of territory, warning WindClan cats that the land would not be theirs forever. He ended up getting Rustpaw killed during one of the skirmishes after he pit him against an isolated WindClan apprentice. After his apprentice had been killed, he used his apprentice's death to try to convince Darkstar to take back the land, to which Darkstar said no. This was the final straw for Waspstrike; he told Razorfrost they would kill Darkstar and his deputy, Morningfleck, that night.

Razorfrost sent a fake message to Darkstar and Morningfleck that she had been told during a patrol that Milkstar, the WindClan leader, wanted to meet with them at the border. The leader and deputy head to the border only to be cornered and murdered by Waspstrike and Razorfrost in cold blood. The two cats raced back to camp with the bodies, yowling to the Clan that WindClan had ambushed them and had killed their leader and deputy. The Clan was in shock, and it did not take much for Waspstrike to claim leadership as he was one of the strongest warriors in ThunderClan. However, there were a few cats who opposed this decision, but they were hushed. ThunderClan believed they needed a strong leader to avenge Darkstar and Morningfleck. Waspstar was granted his nine lives from StarClan, and afterwards he appointed Razorfrost as his deputy. As soon as he returned home from the Moonpool, he gathered a patrol to take back the plot of territory WindClan borrowed; five WindClan warriors were slaughtered during the battle.

However, getting the plot of territory back was not enough for Waspstar - he wanted much more. He continued to push the borders into WindClan territory until he had claimed half their territory and they had to move camps. At the same time, Waspstar had begun pushing at the SkyClan border as well, reminding Sorrelstar of the favor they owe ThunderClan after using herbs from their territory. Sorrelstar gave in to Waspstar's demands rather easily. Eventually, SkyClan began to fight back when Waspstar moved the borders way into their territory, cutting them off from the lake. SkyClan was much weaker at the time due to a prey shortage the previous leafbare. Waspstar also began pushing at ShadowClan's border after cutting SkyClan off from the lake. During a border skirmish with ShadowClan, Lynxstar took one of Waspstar's lives on accident. After he lost his first life, he wakes up in the Dark Forest and is greeted not by his family and loved ones - but by his former mentor Jaggedclaw.

Waspstar became much more paranoid and reserved after this; often staying in camp and ordering cats to do his dirty work. After a half moon of strange behavior, a warrior named Paledawn spoke out against Waspstar. Waspstar maimed Paledawn's ear - causing him to be deaf on his right side - and exiled him from the Clan. Paledawn's mate and kits were watching as he raced from camp, a heavy blood trail following him. Waspstar appointed Razorfrost as his personal bodyguard from that point on, and rarely ever left his den. He took to bullying the medicine cat, Barkpelt, and other weak cats around the camp. Most of the cats followed Waspstar's orders out of fear, but some cats opposed him. One warrior in particular named Moonheart refused to steal anymore territory from the other Clans. Waspstar coldly ordered Razorfrost to execute Moonheart publicaly, which Razorfrost happily obliged. Around the same time, a series of mysterious poisonings errupted in the ThunderClan camp; which led many to believe Waspstar had been poisoning his Clanmates or maybe ordered Razorfrost to pick cats off secretly.

Known Victims

[caused; forced to fight a WindClan apprentice]

[murdered on the WindClan border]

[murdered during battle with WindClan]

[murdered during battle with WindClan]

[murdered during battle with WindClan]

[murdered during battle with SkyClan]

[right ear maimed; exiled; not dead]

[caused; ordered execution]

[psychologically abused; not dead]


Russetbrook | [mother]

Carpfang | [father]

Mustardstripe | [sibling]

Sagestorm | [sister]

Brindlefur | [aunt]

Dappledblaze | [uncle]

Leader Information

First Life:
[Russetbrook | a mother's love | Killed by Lynxstar]

Second Life:
[Snowstar | patience | N/A]

Third Life:
[Thrushwish | mercy | N/A]

Fourth Life:
[Smokebreeze | truth | N/A]

Fifth Life:
[Carpfang | honesty | N/A]

Sixth Life:
[Fernshade | equality | N/A]

Seventh Life:
[Frostleaf | love | N/A]

Eighth Life:
[Darkstar | judgment | N/A]

Ninth Life:
[Morningfleck | duty | N/A]


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Russetbrook is the mate of Carpfang and the mother of Waspstar, Mustardstripe, and Sagestorm. Russetbrook gave Waspstar his first life with the gift of a mother's love. Russetbrook feels guilty for Waspstar's actions, believing she did not show Waspstar enough love and she is responsible for how he turned out dispite Mustardstripe and Sagestorm turning out to be loyal and honorable warriors of ThunderClan.

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Carpfang is the mate of Russetbrook and the father of Waspstar, Mustardstripe, and Sagestorm. Carpfang feels ashamed of his son's actions and is disgusted by Waspstar's ambition and ruthlessness. He views his son as weakminded and dishonest so he gave him his fifth life with the gift of honesty in hopes it would turn his son around.



Mustardstripe is the brother of Waspstar and Sagestorm. He and Waspstar have never gotten along and Mustardstripe often stood between Waspstar and Sagestorm when Waspstar attempted to bully their sister. Mustardstripe views Waspstar as tyrannical, but Waspstar views his brother as weak and without beliefs.



Sagestorm is the sister of Waspstar and Mustardstripe. She was often bullied by Waspstar when they were kits and apprentices. She fears her brother and often seeks out protection from Mustardstripe. Waspstar views Sagestorm as weak and pathetic, someone he wants to squish under his paw for fun.

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Jaggedclaw was Waspstar's abusive mentor who still haunts Waspstar's dreams to this day. Jaggedclaw was often rough during training, leaving marks and sending Wasppaw into enemy territory to prove he was a "true warrior." Jaggedclaw was the catalyst to Waspstar's ruthless path.

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Rustpaw was Waspstar's first apprentice. Waspstar was an abusive mentor just as Jaggedclaw had been; often pitting his apprentice against members of enemy Clans. During a border skirmish, Waspstar managed to isolate Rustpaw and a WindClan apprentice. Waspstar ordered Rustpaw to kill the apprentice, but the WindClan apprentice won the fight, killing Rustpaw. Waspstar attempted to use Rustpaw's death to persuade Darkstar to take back the territory from WindClan.



Razorfrost joined ThunderClan soon after Waspstar earned his warrior name. The two cats became friends rather quickly since they related to each other. Neither cat could feel emotions like love, anxiety, or shame; they had not been able to find a cat that was like them until they met. Both cats agreed that Darkstar was weak, and Razorfrost helped Waspstar murder him and his deputy Morningfleck. Razorfrost became Waspstar's deputy and later his bodyguard; she often carried out executions that he ordered.

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Shadowheart is a ThunderClan warrior. Shadowheart attempted to remain loyal to Waspstar, but after witnessing Waspstar kill his brother, Moonheart, in cold blood and his friend, Bristletail, get poisoned, he teamed up with Mintshine to rebel against Waspstar - a task that turns out to be more daunting than he could have ever imagined.



Mintshine is a ThunderClan warrior. She and Waspstar had shared a den as kits and apprenitces, and she never liked him. She always got a strange feeling when she was around him. When she became a warrior, she began to have strange dreams in which swarms of wasps would attack the ThunderClan camp, and eventually she grew paranoid that StarClan was trying to send her a sign about Waspstar. When he siezed leadership, she was the first cat to speak out, but she was silenced by many cats because they believed they needed Waspstar's strength to avenge Darkstar and Morningfleck. She jumped at the idea of Shadowheart's rebellion and was one of the most active members.

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