


5 years, 5 months ago


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name: silver
nicknames: n/a
age: 19
species: cat
gender: male (he/him)
sexuality: heterosexual
relationship: taken (check links)
at first impression, silver seems like he's super competitive, but he just has his own way of making friends. if it looks like he's trying to pick a fight, he always has good intentions in mind and will tap out if the other needs it.
enjoys teasing others and lightly picking on them, but always makes sure not to go to far when he can help it. sometimes leaves a bad impression because teasing you can be one of the first things he does. loves seeing the bewildered faces people can make when he teases them.
always doing his best to make other people happy if they need it, or just if they want a distracting.

although he looks sort of tough and challenging most of the time, (and if you put aside all the endless teasing he does), he's a super sweet guy. enjoys handing out gifts.

delights in doing absolutely anything athletic with friends. one of his favourite things is playing tag with stormfire, and loves the little challenge in trying to outsmart her when she uses her wings.

can sometimes zone out in the middle of a conversation but apologies immediately for it if he finds himself doing it.
scours trashcans sometimes for stuff he can use. usually ends up with, well, trash.
he also enjoys naps in the sun and hunting, although he prefers not to get his scarf dirty.
despises fireworks and getting anything stuck in his fur.