
5 years, 5 months ago


"No rest for the weary, eh? A new life for us all. But perhaps a troublesome one."

[ theme song ]

Name: Imani
Nicknames? none
Name meaning: faith

Species and/or Breed: albino lion
Gender: male
Age: 1433.

A lonely king with a big heart and a regal disposition, Imani always seems to have a calm heart about him and can often be seen supporting the others in this strange other-land that they've all been put in. His voice just radiates peace. He honestly is the one to keep everyone else's spirits up when they feel down, the one to keep the peace when arguments break out or when the young child Meep isn't there to visit them in their little storybook world.

It's obvious that Imani worries very deeply about all of his people. While he may not show it much, he is always concerned for the others in this realm and the stays up late at night, watching the moon that isn't quite a moon and so conflicted in what he knows. He wants the others to remember who they are, but at the same time he hasn't quite come to terms with his death and if he is scared, what about those who aren't as willing to accept that they're all living in a pocket-realm.

If he's been given a second chance to live, then he's going to make the most of it. And one day he'll get revenge on Malorin for everything that's been done to others just like him.

The Starheart kingdom was always known to be a brave, creative, and fair place for all, even from the early days of its existence. King Imani is probably one of the reasons why it got placed in such high regard among most of the land. He was such a kind leader in his time (the earlier days of the world) that people would come to ask him for advice for the smallest things just because whatever he said was usually brilliant.

Imani ruled over his people with kindness and honesty until he heard rumors of several of his people going missing. This concerned the albino lion, so much so that he temporarily put someone else in charge and decided to try and find whoever was behind this himself. He left by himself, followed a trail of clues until he found himself face to face with Malorin, the culprit behind it all, in the Shadowed Lands (an island of complete darkness).

Imani was a good leader, but he was not prepared to escape such a fight. The kind king didn't make it out alive.

He remembered who he truly was only a short time after he was drawn into Meeps' imaginary world, and soon he found others who had also remembered.

notes -
- tired old lion. Was a brave ruler of Starheart long ago, went seeking after Malorin after he found out about the dangerous viscet's presence in his kingdom.
- Got lost in the shadowed lands.
- nowadays he's frustrated with himself and wants to make up for his previous failure by helping the other people thrown into this imaginary yet very real world.