


8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Closed Species:

Guppicorn by Cappuchi


Name: Haru

Species: Guppicorn

Age: Hundreds of years; older than Sora

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Grey-sexual

Birthday: Unknown

Relationship Status: Single

Horoscope: Cancer

Height: (?)

Weight: (?)

Body Type: Haru has a soft, slightly chubby body shape compared to Sora.

Hairstyle: Haru’s hair is short and messy.

Hair Color: Teal

Eye Color: Grey

Skin Tone: Pale, much more compared to Sora.


  • Being looked down on:
  • This is related to his disability. He doesn’t want to be seen as lesser than just because he cannot see well.
  • Being helpless:
  • His fear of helplessness is also slightly related to his disability, but not completely.


  • He has purification abilities.
  • Haru has the power to summon physical objects.


            Haru is someone who enjoys gossiping and can be described as two-faced. He has a bit of a darker side to him and smiles with hidden anger/evil; however, not many people see this shadowy side of him, and those that do are his close friends and family. He also tends to be blunt and controlling, acting as an overprotective mother type toward his younger brother, Sora.

Occupation: Haru is currently working as a waiter.


  • Knitting
  • Trying new recipes


  • Haru tends to tap his fingers on any surface within his reach whenever he’s bored.
  • When he’s lying, his vocal tone becomes more squeaky and high-pitched.
  • Haru clenches his fists when he’s nervous.

Religious Affiliation: (?)

Favorite Color: Turquoise

Favorite Animal: None


  • Sora, adopted brother, younger
  • Aunt Yori, parental figure, not related by blood


  • Sora:
  • Haru is very fond and protective of his younger brother figure, appearing as sort of an overprotective mother when it comes to Sora. He is very skeptical of Sora’s ability to take care of himself and worries about him.
  • Aunt Yori:
  • Haru’s relationship to Aunt Yori was very similar to Sora’s experience. She loved them both and gave them the freedom to make their own decisions, since she didn’t want to chain them down.


            Haru, since he was born, has had terrible eyesight—so much so that he can barely see anything at all. However, he doesn’t let this stop him from leading a normal life and tends to become irritated/frustrated when his disability is mentioned. Because he doesn’t wish to be set apart as different due to his sight, Haru worked very hard to overcome the challenges of his disability.

            His Aunt Yori taught him to sew and kept a watchful eye on him so she could point out when he was doing something incorrectly, which would then assist him to becoming a better sewer and surpass the struggles of his eyesight.

            Haru spends a lot of time in the restaurant where he works, so he encounters many people; his favorite customers, however, are the old ladies. He tends to share gossip with the elderly ladies, and that’s one of the reasons why they’re his favorite. When he was younger, he slipped up a little with his gossiping/two-faced nature and got into a little trouble with it, so he’s much more controlled and careful now with how he presents himself and with what he says.

Educational Background: 

            Aunt Yori taught Haru the basics of education—reading, writing, etc.

Additional Information: 

  • Haru is sensitive to anything with a very strong, obvious taste, such as spicy foods. He really dislikes them because of this.