


8 years, 1 month ago


Ixion ***


"But without the dark, we'd never see the stars." – Anonymous


N A M E  __ Ixion "Ixie"
G E N D E R __ Male
A G E  __ Adult
B I R T H D A Y __ ???
T H E M E __ Milk and Whisky / OFF-334
T Y P E __  Sushi Dog
O C C U P A T I O N __ Reformed trickster trying to do good
M A T E __ N/A
L I K E S__ Playing pranks and a good helping of chaos
W I S H E S __ To do better and to be good
D I S L I K E S __ Goody two shoes and snitches for they get stitches
W E A K N E S S __ Sometimes lapses back into their mischievous nature













Old Backstory

Tormod began life with a bit of a mean streak. He was ever on the hunt for people to pounce on, scare, or just plain prank.

It was hard for anyone to really get to know him, which at the time is what Tormod thought he wanted. How wrong he was!


Nico came into his life, and they've been inseparable ever since. Being around the Angelic artist Sushi Dog mellowed Tormod out, and his better nature soon started to show. 

Despite his best intentions, the little devil ended up falling in love with his angel. Tormod gets very defensive when anyone dare say anything negative about Nico, even putting himself in danger in order to prove how serious he will take such threats.  He can happily take comments on the chin about himself; he knows other Sushi Dogs more often than not have bad things to say about him, but he won't hear it about Nico.