'Morganna' | Juneau



5 years, 4 months ago


- unintentionally insensitive- often too caught up in her own mantra of 'MOVE ON BITCH'. apologetic when confronted
- finds it very hard to make connections but very easy to be friendly. doesn't use her friendliness to her gain. very honest about not liking who she doesn't like
- sisterly, if not like an insane aunt. if she loves you, she will embarrass you
- doesn't like to make enemies.
https://youtu.be/EBD9hcFHEi8 morg in a nutshell. still, will try to warn friends away from those she finds dangerous. but if they go back the them then she'll mind her business right out of their lives. so she's not.. great at keeping friends..

- kiss women. high-five men.
- tried to date men twice in her life and for some reason they both ended up dead. s2g she didn't kill them, she just has bad luck. she thought she'd get away with a fling with the second one because he was a literal god but he died. OOPSIE POOPSIE. call that bye bye bi-curiosity
- she heals, she hexes, she mourns her exes!!