🌺 Mun Yun-hee 🌸



5 years, 5 months ago


Name Yun-hee
Species Skitty
Age 17
Height 5'1"
Gender Cis Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Lesbian
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Student

Status Active
Designer Sun--Ray
Worth Priceless


Yun-hee while quiet and shy, is a rather thoughtful and gentle individual. She is very thoughtful and sympathetic, she thinks greatly of others feelings and goes to great lengths to respect others and their boundaries. She often puts others feelings and wants before her own, and if she is able to she will do anything in her power to help her friends smile or give them what they want. She is a good shoulder to cry on for her friends, while she often struggles to offer advice, she offers her sympathy and gentle hugs. With this she is very respectful to her peers and especially her elders, often never talking out of turn and always speaks with a gentle and soft spoken voice. She is very polite as well, going along with her often respectful and thoughtful nature. She is very understanding to others and often has a hard time deeming anyone as awful or bad, thinking there must be good in everyone, so she often will show compassion and respect to just about anybody even if others feel they don't deserve it. Since she shows much care and compassion for her friends, she is known for being rather dependable when it comes to most things. She is good at keeping secrets due to her quiet nature, often will help with silly small things like homework, and is always there to console her friends when they are hurting.

Yun-hee has a very quiet and shy demeanor, often keeping to herself and struggles to outwardly make friends. She more than often only makes friends when approached by others, and through slow development is able to open up and show her more positive traits. She often hates being in large crowds or being the center of attention, most likely shying away from big gatherings. With being shy she is quite modest and has a more calming aura to her due to not being as loud and bubbly as others, making being shy not quite as bad as it seems. She enjoys the company of fewer mon and from there feels she is able to attempt to make deeper friendships and relationships, and its easier to handle then being in large groups or with a crowd. The skitty is also very alert, she makes sure she is always fully aware of her surroundings and is rather perceptive. She often takes a great deal of things into consideration, especially her environment when fighting a witch or a familiar due to this alert nature. Yun-hee is also rather indecisive, she has a hard time making decisions and prefers to let others make decisions for her. She prefers to remain mostly neutral on most things, so when it comes to making decisions she worries about making the wrong one, stressing her out and inevitably her hoping someone will step in and make it for her. Even small things like 'what do you want to eat' can make her feel stressed with a decision, but even so with being indecisive she is able to take more of what others want into account. She is able to take in mon's comforts and preferences, and apply them in future situations, when put into a situation where she has to make a decision she is capable of listening to all sides and take in a lot more information rather than jumping to a decision. She is often rather content with other's decisions on what to do, and is more than often pleased with results of others choosing what to do rather than herself. Yun-hee is also quite emotional, she allows her emotions to build up inside of her until she bursts. Her face is also rather expressive with emotions, its quite clear when she is sad, or happy, or annoyed, making her an all around rather emotional lady. Though due to being emotional, she is able to brighten up more noticeably when feeling happy or any positive feelings, just as she would if she were feeling sad. Being emotional is a two way street, in which she feels deep emotions of sadness but also deep emotions of happiness as well. Being emotional also makes her extremely empathetic and capable of really taking in other's feelings as well, she understands what it's like to feel intense sadness and pain, and is able to apply that knowledge to other's when they are feeling that way as well. The skitty also gets rather clingy when she makes good friends, due to often having a very small friend circle, if even a circle at all, she finds herself hanging onto the friends she does have rather tightly. She often is oblivious to this unless pointed out by others, in which causes her to be frazzled and attempt to be a little more distant. While being clingy does have a big offput, it also is a big sign of how much Yun-hee cares about her friend. Feeling such strong connections to someone is what makes her clingy, and then ensues her behavior on wanting to stick close to them, she enjoys their company and wants to show it in any way she can. While she doesn't have much control over this emotion as much as she would like, she continues to try and learn how to express this feeling of closeness and attachment.

The skitty girl is very outwardly awkward, she struggles to make any form of small talk and can seem hard to approach due to her often sad or anxious demeanor. She is also quite clumsy due to her awkward nature, tripping over herself or forgetting something is quite common for her. Yun-hee is also rather jumpy due to her anxious and uneasy character. She is often restless and tense, making surprising noises or anything sudden very alarming for her. She is also very evidently fragile, her feelings are easily hurt by others words and actions. She has a very delicate and frail disposition, easily filled with feelings of guilt and worthlessness. She isn't very hopeful, and while not expressing this to others, when things get rough she frequently feels a weight of hopelessness and helpless from the smallest things. Due to being rather quiet, she is also rather reserved. She generally won't speak out about her feelings or opinions, usually she is closed off and bottles up her feelings which is what leads to her making her wish to kyubey. Yun-hee also trusts too easily as well, especially when it comes to decision making as stated before, she will be easily be convinced for just about anything. Deceiving her takes almost no effort , and she can be quickly taken advantage of without thought.