


8 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full name



Dale, winged weirdo





Sex/ Gender

Sexless: He/ They/ She




4'7" (140cm)









Dale is very small, standing at 4’7” with wings that are a bit longer than his body in length. His wings are while with a slight light blue gradient in his feathers and his wings make a sort of tail near his body. His skin is blue and he has markings all over his body that’s a lighter blue. The most noteworthy of the markings are the ones on his elbows and knees, and on his face two globby lines that come from his hairline that end above his jaw in almost a tear like shape. His eyes are a saturated light teal and his eyes are large and rounded. His face is rounded and youthful and he as a smooth nose and long pointed ears.

His frame is scrawny and his knees bend back slightly. He has little hooves as feet with light feathers hiding his ankles. His hair is an off white blue that is very light in weight and lifts up at the slightest of breezes, it appears to be constantly floating.

He doesn’t wear clothes often, but if he does it’ll usually be a sash around his hips or a sort of dress made out of one big cloth.



 Dale is extremely social and optimistic. He enjoys experiencing new things and is up to any challenge thrown at him. By nature, Dale is extremely curious. He loves to introduce himself to new people and is extremely open. He’s a bad liar but doesn’t like lying so he doesn’t worry about it.

He’s somewhat naive and overly trusting. But despite his nativity he can figure out when a situation is bad and can by his own accord leave it. He is good socially and enjoys being supportive and kind. He likes to believe that everyone just needs to be understanding and things will improve.

Dale really hates harming others in any way, he is an extreme pacifist and sometimes needs a push to fight someone physically or verbally.



Dale is an angel with high magical stamina and is considerably able for his age. He’s extremely good at healing and has some ability to lend his raw energy to others need be. He can grow vines in his hand and can put magical energy into plants and some animals for a short amount of time to give him some control.



 Dale was created by the angel’s breeding fusion, which involves two angels to combine into one form and when they separate a third angel comes out. Angels are nomadic and Dale’s tribe was no different. He lived a peaceful years, but when he discovered a portal to a land full of humans and elves, his curiosity got the better of him. On the other side of the portal he met a light magician named Toby. Dale was extremely excited to see so many different things. With a push from a friend of Toby, Dale and Toby made a bond connecting their souls and energies.

After Dale joined Toby he bid his tribe goodbye for the time being and set off to learn about an entirely new world he had never heard of before.


Likes/ Strengths

Likes: People, new things, magic, Toby

Dislikes: Big crowds, most demons, some dark magicians, the smell of meat


Strengths: Strong magic, fast flight

Weaknesses: Physically weak, naive and extremely trusting, doesn’t completely understand personal space



  • While Dale doesn’t care about pronouns he uses “he” mainly because of his mimicking Toby
  • He adores Toby like Toby was his older brother, and enjoys hugging him.
  • He doesn’t like clothing that much, but will wear a sash for others to feel comfortable.
  • He's considered a young adult for angels